Friday, January 29, 2010

Cavendish Update 1/29/10 News/Classified/Events

This issue of the Cavendish Update is made possible by the Cavendish Community and Conservation Association (CCCA), a non-profit membership organization that is dedicated to the conservation of land and natural resources and to the preservation of historic sites within the context of sustainable economic growth. FMI: PO Box 605, Cavendish VT 05142 or 802-226-7736

The 1/29/10 Cavendish Update Contains
1. Cavendish Related News
2. Warnings
3. Bud Singleton’s 90th Birthday
4. Classifieds
5. Cavendish Activities for January 29-31

1. Cavendish Related News

VT Dept of Health Issues Warning about Daniele sausage, salami products

Ludlow Winter Carnival Feb 5-7

2. School Warnings
The Cavendish Town Elementary School has three warnings in this week's Vermont Journal. The warnings are to vote on the school budget by Australian ballot on March 2; attend town meeting, March 1, for a public hearing on the budget and the schools annual meeting- 7 pm at the multi-purpose room at the School.

The Green Mountain Union High School has also issued a warning in the Vermont Journal for voting on the school’s budget on March 2 by Australian ballot.

3. Bud Singleton’s 90th Birthday Celebration
Known to many for Singleton’s Store in Proctorsville, Bud Singleton is turning 90 and there will be a celebration to mark this occasion on Jan. 30 from 1-4 pm at the Proctorsville Fire Hall. Please stop by and wish Bud a Happy Birthday.

4. Classifieds
The Cavendish Historical Society is in need of a small dorm size refrigerator. If you have one that you would like to donate, please call 802-226-7807 or e-mail

5. Cavendish Activities for Jan 29-31
January 29 (Friday): Bookmaking and more at the Fletcher Library in Ludlow, 3 pm. The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art from Amherst, MA will be presenting this creative program about bookmaking for middle school students. Space is limited so call 228-3517 to reserve your spot today!
• Black and White Movie Series “Inherit the Wind.” Nominated for four Academy Awards, the film stars two Hollywood greats, Spencer Tracy and Fredric March, who play opposing lawyers from the famous real life “Scopes Monkey Trial” of 1925. Two sides boldly take a stand in this taut legal battle over the case of Tennessee teacher John Scopes, put on trial for teaching Darwin’s theory of evolution. In what many consider his best role, Spencer Tracy plays the lawyer who defended Scopes and his right to teach a theory that was denied by state law. This film is now fifty years old, but its depiction of a trial that held America in suspense still stirs debate. “Inherit the Wind” will be shown at 7:00 at Cavendish Elementary School on Rte. 131 in Proctorsville. FMI: 226-7187.

January 30 (Saturday): Bud Singleton’s 90th Birthday Party, 1-4 pm at the Proctorsville Fire Hall.

Friday, January 22, 2010

1/22/10 Cavendish Update News/Events

This issue of the Cavendish Update is made possible by the Cavendish Community and Conservation Association (CCCA), a non-profit membership organization that is dedicated to the conservation of land and natural resources and to the preservation of historic sites within the context of sustainable economic growth. FMI: PO Box 605, Cavendish VT 05142 or 802-226-7736

The 1/22/10 Cavendish Update Contains
1. Yankee Chank this Sunday at Crows Bakery
2. Cavendish Related News
3. Cavendish Events Jan 24-29

1. Yankee Chank this Sunday, Jan.24
Dance to Yankee Chank's Cajun and zydeco music with Cavendish's own Bob Naess! This Sunday from 6-9 in the dance hall above Crow's Bakery in Proctorsville. Tickets at the door $8 a person and $5 for ages 16 and under. There is also a special FAMILY HOUR from 4:30 to 5:30 with kids activities, music and healthy snacks (including King Cake) for $12 a family.

This is a benefit dance for the CCCA and helps support the Cavendish Update, Sustainability work and other committee activities.

While tickets for the dinner are sold out there are fantastic raffle tickets
1) A weekend in May at the Trapp family lodge, all amenities included plus a $200 Visa gift card to help you enjoy your vacation!

2) A Chocolate Chocolate Valentine's cake.

3) A basket loaded with children's art supplies and creative activities.

Tickets are a dollar a piece for the Cake and Children’s Basket and $5 a ticket, or 3 for $10, for the Trapp Family Lodge. You can purchase tickets at Crows Corner Bakery, Village Clipper and the Cavendish Library. Winners will be announced Sunday evening. You do not have to be present at the dance to win.

2. Cavendish Related News
Notice of Public Hearing for Cavendish: Receive Public Comment regarding roads identified by the Cavendish Ancient Roads Committee. Hearing to take place on Feb. 8 at 6:30 at the Cavendish Town Office.

Warning Notice for GMUHS Public Information and Proposed Budget, Feb. 23, 7 pm at the high school

Immediate Opening Bus Driver for Cavendish Elementary School

Ambassadors of Goodwill-Scholarships from Ludlow Rotary

Dates for Upcoming Snow Flea Group Rides

Glass Fusing and More at Fletcher Farm

More Newspaper Woes Hit Vermont

Chauffeur Service Out of Ludlow

3. Cavendish Calendar January 24-29
January 24 (Sunday): Yankee Chank, a Cajun and zydeco dance band, will be heating up the night in a Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) celebration at the dance hall on the second floor of Crows’ Corner bakery. This is a benefit for CCCA. See Article 1 above.

January 25 (Monday): LEGO Club at the Fletcher Library in Ludlow 3-4:30. Kids ages 9-14 are invited to come together, listen to a short chapter or two from a book then build something from that chapter.
• Green Mountain Parents Meeting. FMI:, or contact Geralyn Donohue at or 875-1126 or call Jill McNally at 875-3967.

January 28 (Thursday): Death Note Matinee 3-4:30 at the Fletcher Library in Ludlow. Free popcorn and matinee.
• Sit & Knit" at the Six Loose Ladies yarn shop, Pollard Building, Proctorsville Green, 2:00 -9:00 PM. Open to knitters, spinners, crocheters, hookers. Free. FMI: 226-7373
• The first book discussion of 2010 at Fletcher Memorial Library in Ludlow will be “Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” by Stieg Larssen. The discussion, sponsored by The Friends of the Library, will take place at 7 p.m. down stairs. Parking is at the rear of the building, as is the entrance for this program. Books are usually available several weeks before the discussion at the library. All are invited to attend.

January 29 (Friday): Bookmaking and more at the Fletcher Library in Ludlow, 3 pm. The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art from Amherst, MA will be presenting this creative program about bookmaking for middle school students. Space is limited so call 228-3517 to reserve your spot today!
• Black and White Movie Series “Inherit the Wind.” Nominated for four Academy Awards, the film stars two Hollywood greats, Spencer Tracy and Fredric March, who play opposing lawyers from the famous real life “Scopes Monkey Trial” of 1925. Two sides boldly take a stand in this taut legal battle over the case of Tennessee teacher John Scopes, put on trial for teaching Darwin’s theory of evolution. In what many consider his best role, Spencer Tracy plays the lawyer who defended Scopes and his right to teach a theory that was denied by state law. This film is now fifty years old, but its depiction of a trial that held America in suspense still stirs debate. “Inherit the Wind” will be shown at 7:00 at Cavendish Elementary School on Rte. 131 in Proctorsville. FMI: 226-7187.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Cavendish Update 1/15/10 SB/News/Events/Films/Haiti

This issue of the Cavendish Update is made possible by the Cavendish Community and Conservation Association (CCCA), a non-profit membership organization that is dedicated to the conservation of land and natural resources and to the preservation of historic sites within the context of sustainable economic growth. FMI: PO Box 605, Cavendish VT 05142 or 802-226-7736

The 1/15/10 Cavendish Update Contains
1. Select Board Meeting 1/11/10
2. Petitions for Town Positions
3. Cavendish Related News
4. Vermont Response to Haitian Relief
5. Black and White Classic Film Series Returns
6. Upcoming Cavendish Related Events 1/17-1/24

1. Select Board Meeting 1/11/10
LPC-TV tapes the select board meetings and can be seen on cable TV or on-line at the LPC-TV website . The following items were discussed at the January 11 Select Board Meeting:

• Scheduling: Richard Svec, town manager, went through dates of events pertaining to budget preparation and town meeting
Jan. 21: Last day to file petitions (articles) to be included in town meeting warnings. Need to have signatures from 5% of registered voters. The first day warning can take place for town meeting.

Jan 25: Last day to file petitions with the town clerk to run for town office that will be voted on by Australian ballot. Item 2 includes the names of those who have already filed petitions.

March 1: Town Meeting

March 2: Voting

• PACE Energy Efficiency Loan Program: At the Dec. Select Board meeting, David Russell of Perkinsville talked to the board about becoming part of a three-town project (Cavendish, Weathersfield and Ludlow) to provide low cost loans to homeowners interested in home energy improvements. The issue for discussion was if the March town meeting ballot should include the question whether the town should participate in this program. Since that meeting, Richard Svec, town manager, has spoken to the town manager of Ludlow, who is in agreement that the towns should not be in the loan business. Svec’s recommendation to the Board was not to pursue this for several additional reasons: between the school and water project Cavendish is already close to its ceiling for bonds; and there are a number of loss cost loan programs that people can apply for. The Board voted against included Russell’s request for including the proposal on the March 1 ballot.

• Energy Grant Program Application: The Town’s grant application has made it through the first cut. The grant would provide funds to increase energy efficiency for the Town Office, Garage and Library

• Library Budget: The Board voted to level fund the Cavendish Library. The librarian, Kata Welch, explained that they had a shortfall because their investments were hit by the declines in the market. However, due to the dip in the economy, patronage by the community is up considerably. They are hoping that through donations they can continue to purchase books and other materials.

• Proctorsville Depot Street Bridge (# 58): Svec is in the process of purchasing Jersey Barriers for the bridge, as he has been unable to borrow them. Because of the weight issue, the barriers will be placed on opposites sides before the bridge and barrels will block the one side, creating a one-way bridge. Traffic will go from Route 103 (Golden Stage Inn) to Route 131 (Six Loose Ladies). This measure is needed because in August, the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VAT) sent a warning to the Town about the condition of the bridge. This letter stated that within 60 days of the posting of the letter, the Select Board needed to respond about which recommendation they would follow, properly barricade, control, and close the upstream half of the bridge to traffic based on the state’s recommendation; will properly repair and/or replace deteriorated t-beams and associated supporting seating area; will properly repair hole in deck near the pier. More information about the letter from VAT is available at 9/18/09 post.

2. Petitions for Town Positions
The following individuals have filed petitions for various positions:
Select Board
Ed Garrow 1 year
Peter Gregg 1 year
George Timko 3 years

School Board
Jim Ballentine 3 years
Peter Gregg 1 year
John McLean 1 year

Virgina Garrow 1 year
Diane McNamara 2 years
Jane Pixley 3 years

James Ballentine Town Agent
Norma Randall Cemetery Commissioner 5 years
Peter LaBelle Auditor
Virgina Garrow Trustee for Public Funds for 2 years
Brian Benoit Library Trustee

3. Cavendish Related News
Sandra Wright Dies at 61

Cavendish Select Board Works on Town Budget and Report

Free Healthy Living Workshops

4. Vermont Response to Haitian Relief
Various Vermont groups are providing information about ways people can help with the recent earthquake in Haiti.
The Vermont Community Foundation

• Senator Senders recommends the following

The White House

5. Black and White Classic Film Series Returns
The Black And White Classic Film Series begins its third season on Friday January 29 with “Inherit the Wind.” The films will be shown at the Cavendish Town Elementary School at 7 pm. The schedule for the 2010 season is as follows:

January 29: Inherit the Wind
February 5: Hud
February 12: Lost Horizon
February 19: Witness for the Prosecution
February 26: 42nd Street

The first film show, “Inherit the Wind,” was nominated for four Academy Awards,. The film stars two Hollywood greats, Spencer Tracy and Fredric March, who play opposing lawyers from the famous real life “Scopes Monkey Trial” of 1925. Two sides boldly take a stand in this taut legal battle over the case of Tennessee teacher John Scopes, put on trial for teaching Darwin’s theory of evolution. In what many consider his best role, Spencer Tracy plays the lawyer who defended Scopes and his right to teach a theory that was denied by state law. This film is now fifty years old, but its depiction of a trial that held America in suspense still stirs debate.

6. Upcoming Cavendish Related Events 1/17-1/24
January 17 (Sunday): Ludlow Okemo Valley Women’s Club is hosting a lasagna Dinner from 6-8 pm at the Black River Senior Center on High Street in Ludlow. Tickets are being sold in advance at The Book Nook or at Knight Tubs. FMI 226-7417 or e-mail or

January 18 (Monday): Martin Luther King Day. No school. Town Office closed

January 19 (Tuesday): In Service Day no school for GMUHS and CTES

January 21 (Thursday): Community Luncheon, 11:30 at St. James Church in Proctorsville. Donations of $3 per seniors and $4.50 for those under 60 are appreciated. It’s all about choices this month... two choices of Soup - corn chowder or beef stew; two choices of sandwiches - spiced ham salad or tuna salad; two choices of desserts - carrot cake or a black-and-white layer cake. Even choices of pickles, and choices of beverages - coffee, hot tea or a fruit punch.
- Sit & Knit" at the Six Loose Ladies yarn shop, Pollard Building, Proctorsville Green, 2:00 -9:00 PM. Open to knitters, spinners, crocheters, hookers. Free. FMI: 226-7373

January 24 (Sunday): Yankee Chank, a Cajun and zydeco dance band, will be heating up the night in a Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) celebration at the dance hall on the second floor of Crows’ Corner bakery. This is a benefit for CCCA. The dance is from 5:30-9 pm. Ticket pricing is as follows:
- $8 for adults and $5 for kids under 16, which includes a dance workshop (so no excuse not to dance).
- $30 per person for dinner and dance. Seating, which is limited, starts at 5 pm and is by ticket only.
- $12 per family interested in the family hour from 4:30 –5:30. This will feature a healthy snack, King Cake, drink and special activities.
Tickets are available from Crows Corner Bakery in Bakery. FMI: 226-7007 or 226-7736

Friday, January 8, 2010

Cavendish Update 1/8/10 News/Events

This issue of the Cavendish Update is made possible by the Cavendish Community and Conservation Association (CCCA), a non-profit membership organization that is dedicated to the conservation of land and natural resources and to the preservation of historic sites within the context of sustainable economic growth. FMI: PO Box 605, Cavendish VT 05142 or 802-226-7736

The 1/8/10 Cavendish Update Contains
1. Cavendish Related News
2. Yankee Chank to Play at CCCA Mardi Gras Fundraiser
3. Unclaimed Property
4. Events Calendar January 11-17

1. Cavendish Related News
Proctorsville Girl Teams Up with Heifer International

CVPS Raises Rates by Six Percent

Ludlow Okemo Valley Women’s Club to Host Lasagna Dinner on Jan. 17

Ludlow Armory Project Update

Bullet Proofing Whitney’s Friends

2. Yankee Chank to Play at CCCA Mardi Gras Fundraiser
The Cavendish Community and Conservation Association has scheduled MARDI GRAS 2010 in Cavendish. The festivities will happen on Sunday, January 24th at the Opera House Café on Depot Street in Proctorsville (otherwise known as Crows Bakery). The café doors will open at five for a limited space, reserved seating dinner serving a New Orleans, Cajun themed menu. Dinner guests can participate in a mask decorating contest to compete for various prizes. Masks will be provided with each ticket for the dinner.

Dancing to the music of Yankee Chank will begin at six in the Opera House upstairs from the café. Yankee Chank is a well known, popular Vermont based Cajun/Zedeco band. There is no better way to get in the spirit of Mardi Gras than with an evening of their foot stomping Louisiana beat. If you can’t come for dinner, you can still come for the music.

Meanwhile, to start the evening’s festivities, the whole family can enjoy a “kids’ hour” party beginning at 4:30 in the Opera House, with several kid friendly activities to enjoy including snacks, games, dance instructions and fun!

While the dinner requires a reservation, tickets will include admission to the dance and will cost $30 per person. The dance alone costs $8 per person or $12 per family and tickets are available at the door. Kid’s hour festivities are $12 per family at the door. Light refreshments will be available to purchase at the dance. There are also several prizes to be raffled at the end of the evening. First is a two night stay at the Trapp Family Lodge Guest House plus a $200 gift card. The second item to be raffled is a Chocolate, Chocolate, Chocolate Valentine cake from Crows Bakery, and the third item is a kid's Activity Basket filled with fun filled stuff for the kids to enjoy their Mardi Gras. Raffle tickets are available from any CCCA board member.

Reservations for the dinner are required and can be made at the café or by calling 226-7736. Tickets for the dance and “kids’ hour” are available in advance from the café or at the door on the 24th. For more information please call 226-7736.

3. Unclaimed Property
The Vermont State Treasurer’s Office Unclaimed Property website has a number of Cavendish and Proctorsville residents and businesses with claimable properties in their database. Unclaimed property includes items such as forgotten bank accounts uncashed pay checks, unclaimed security deposits, and unused gift certificates. It's most often in the form of money, but it can also be stocks, mutual funds, and the contents of safe deposit boxes. The property comes from many sources--called holders--such as banks, credit unions, corporations, utilities, insurance agencies, retailers, and governmental agencies throughout the United States. The Vermont State Treasurer's Office acts as custodian to safeguard the assets until they can be claimed by the rightful owners or their heirs. To find out if you are on the list, go to the Office of the State Treasurer website

4. Events Calendar January 11-17
January 11 (Monday): Select Board Meeting, 6:30 pm at the Town Office. These meetings are televised on LPCTV. To check for airing times, or to watch the meetings on-line, go to
• LEGO Club at the Fletcher Library in Ludlow 3-4:30. Kids ages 9-14 are invited to come together, listen to a short chapter or two from a book then build something from that chapter.

January 12 (Tuesday): Cavendish Elementary School Board Meeting. FMI: 226-7758

January 14 (Thursday): Up Matinee at the Fletcher Library in Ludlow 3-4:30-. Free popcorn and matinee after school.
• The Cavendish Green Mountain Snow Fleas Snowmobile Club meets at 7 pm at the home of Claire and John Bellino, 80 Christmas Tree Lane, Ludlow. FMI:
• GMUHS School Board Meeting, 5 pm
• Sit & Knit" at the Six Loose Ladies yarn shop, Pollard Building, Proctorsville Green, 2:00 -9:00 PM. Open to knitters, spinners, crocheters, hookers. Free. FMI: 226-7373

January 17 (Sunday): Ludlow Okemo Valley Women’s Club are hosting a lasagna dinner from 6-8 pm at the Black River Senior Center on High Street in Ludlow. Tickets are being sold in advance at The Book Nook or at Knight Tubs. FMI 226-7417 or e-mail or

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Cavendish Update 1/1/10 Calendar/websites/news/job

This issue of the Cavendish Update is made possible by the Cavendish Historical Society

The 1/1//10 Cavendish Update Contains
1. January Cavendish Calendar
2. Cavendish Organizations Web Directory
3. Cavendish Related News
4. Jobs with the Census Bureau

1. January Cavendish Calendar
January 1 (Friday): Happy New Year, Town Office closed

January 4 (Monday): Cavendish Fletcher Library Board Meeting, 5 pm at the Library. FMI: 226-7503
• Selectmen’s meeting from 6-8 pm at the Town Office. Review a schedule of Town Meeting/seasonal dates and deadlines related to Select Board business. Workshop on proposed F”Y 2010-2011 line item budget.

January 5 (Tuesday): GMUHS Booster Club Meeting, 7 pm

January 6 (Wednesday): Selectmen’s meeting from 6-8 pm at the Town Office. Work on proposed FY” 2010-2011 line item Budget. Michael Chamberlain, Windsor County Sheriff will be present to discuss the Law Enforcement Services Contract for FY11.
• Planning Commission Meeting, 6:30 pm at the Cavendish Town Office.
• FAFSA Forms meeting at GMUHS, 6:30 pm in the library

January 7 (Thursday): Sit & Knit" at the Six Loose Ladies yarn shop, Pollard Building, Proctorsville Green, 2:00 -9:00 PM. Open to knitters, spinners, crocheters, hookers. Free. FMI: 226-7373

January 11 (Monday): Select Board Meeting, 6:30 pm at the Town Office. These meetings are televised on LPCTV. To check for airing times, or to watch the meetings on-line, go to

January 12 (Tuesday): Cavendish Elementary School Board Meeting. FMI: 226-7758

January 14 (Thursday): The Cavendish Green Mountain Snow Fleas Snowmobile Club meets at 7 pm at the home of Claire and John Bellino, 80 Christmas Tree Lane, Ludlow. FMI:
• GMUHS School Board Meeting, 5 pm
• Sit & Knit" at the Six Loose Ladies yarn shop, Pollard Building, Proctorsville Green, 2:00 -9:00 PM. Open to knitters, spinners, crocheters, hookers. Free. FMI: 226-7373

January 18 (Monday): Martin Luther King Day. No school. Town Office closed

January 19 (Tuesday): In Service Day at GMUHS No School

January 21 (Thursday): Sit & Knit" at the Six Loose Ladies yarn shop, Pollard Building, Proctorsville Green, 2:00 -9:00 PM. Open to knitters, spinners, crocheters, hookers. Free. FMI: 226-7373

January 24 (Sunday): Yankee Chank, a Cajun and zydeco dance band, will be heating up the night in a Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) celebration at the dance hall on the second floor of Crows’ Corner bakery. This is a benefit for CCCA. The dance is from 5:30-9 pm. Ticket pricing is as follows:
- $8 for adults and $5 for kids under 16, which includes a dance workshop (so no excuse not to dance).
- $30 per person for dinner and dance. Seating, which is limited, starts at 5 pm and is by ticket only.
- $12 per family interested in the family hour from 4:30 –5:30. This will feature a healthy snack, King Cake, drink and special activities.
Tickets are available from Crows Corner Bakery in Bakery. FMI: 226-7007 or 226-7736

January 25 (Monday): Green Mountain Parents Meeting. FMI:, or contact Geralyn Donohue at or 875-1126 or call Jill McNally at 875-3967.

January 28 (Thursday): Sit & Knit" at the Six Loose Ladies yarn shop, Pollard Building, Proctorsville Green, 2:00 -9:00 PM. Open to knitters, spinners, crocheters, hookers. Free. FMI: 226-7373

2. Cavendish Organizations Web Directory
If you would like your community organization included on this list, please e-mail the URL to

Many of area businesses have websites. For an updated list, download it from the Cavendish Historical Society website

Cavendish Baptist Church
Cavendish Community and Conservation Association
• Cavendish Historical Society
Cavendish Historical Society Blog
Cavendish Library
Cavendish Snow Fleas
Cavendish Transfer Station
Cavendish Town Elementary School
Cavendish Update:
Fiber Arts in Vermont
Green Mountain Union High School
Okemo Valley Chamber of Commerce
Proctorsville Fire Dept

3. Cavendish Related News
Find Your Inner Fire-Live Authentically with Cavendish Resident Martha Mott

January Okemo Valley Chamber of Commerce News

4. Jobs with the Census Bureau
The Census Bureau is looking hire now for jobs beginning in March. A test is scheduled at the Police Department in Springfield for January 6 at 1:30 pm. The job application includes a timed 30 minute multiple choice test. FMI: Nathan George