Thursday, March 21, 2013

Support the Cavendish Update

The Cavendish Community and Conservation Association (CCCA) has made a decision to no longer support the Cavendish Update stating, “At the last CCCA board meeting the directors closely reviewed the current balance in our bank account and the general state of our finances, including what we have spent and what we have in over the past several years. We have supported the Cavendish Update for a number of years now and we believe that it continues to have value to the community. However, we have reluctantly determined that we can no longer afford the cost of supporting the CU based on our current finances. We have other projects that require our financial support and we have a shrinking pot of money that must be carefully allocated and conserved. We will continue our financial support of the CU through the first of June.”

It would not have been possible to continue the CU without CCCA’s support, and so heartfelt thanks for supporting it for so long.

So what should become of the CU? Is it still needed? How can it be supported?

If the CU is to continue after May 31, there needs to be funding. If you would like to support the CU or have suggestion for how to do so, please call 802-226-7807 or e-mail

Do you find the Cavendish Update and all that is associated with it-Facebook, blog, weekly e-mail updates and emergency information-useful? 

If so, please support its continuation, as current sponsorship only covers about 1/4 of the time it takes to compile it and none of the costs associated with it. You can send contributions to Margo Caulfield, PO Box 3, Cavendish, VT 05142. 

If you wish to become a sponsor, please e-mail or call 802-226-7807. 

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