Thursday, December 15, 2011

CTES Nov. 15 School Board Minutes

Cavendish Town Elementary School: November 15, 2011 5:30 p.m. Board Minutes

Board: Dr. Bont-Chair, Jim Ballantine, John Mclean Peter Gregg and Sharon Huntley

Administration: David Adams-Superintendent and Meredith Austin-Business Manager

Public/Staff: LPCTV, Virginia Walsh Mack-Recording Secretary, Peggy Svec, Mike Ripley-GMUHS Assoc. Principal and Connie Kendall

Call to order
Dr. Bont called the meeting to order at 5:36 p.m.

Comments from the Community

Approval of Minutes of October 18, 2011
Jim made a motion to approve the minutes of October 18, 2011 as presented. Peter seconded. Motion approved.

Non Certified Staff Hiring; David informed the board he hired Tim Considine as the CTES Director of Building and Grounds from George’s recommendation.

Budget Development Update: Dr. Bont said the finance committee is working on the budget for FY’12. David explained the changes with Act 153 that speaks to the new responsibilities of the Supervisory Union. There will be a personnel cost shift from local budgets to the supervisory union budget. Full implementation of the changes will be final FY’14.

George said it is too early to give details on the budget.

Discussion ensued regarding the cost shift from the CTES budget to the S.U. budget.

Joint Supervisory Union Merger/Consolidation Update
Dr. Bont gave background on the WSWSU and RWSU consolidation study. David reported there is another joint study group meeting at CTES at 6:30 p.m. The consultant’s financial study will be presented at that meeting. On December 6th there will be another group study meeting at GMUHS. On December 15th the WSWSU and the RWSU board will vote separately on whether or not to present the study to the Department of Education. This study is not related to school operations; it is at the administrative level. David encourages the public to attend the meetings. Dr. Bont said there are highly skilled individuals involved in this study.

Enrollment of Children of Non Resident Teachers F:14
David reported there was a joint policy committee meeting with CAES, CTES and GMUHS to discuss this policy. David said there is a legal review that he recommends the CTES policy committee review.

Principal’s Report
George handed out the budget summary. He said there is nothing outstanding. He said he will answer any questions.
The annual site visit for the audit was completed and he thinks it went well.

Sports: The students played with Ludlow students because there were not enough students for their own team. Basketball is starting soon. The winter sports program begins January 3rd. The annual Thanksgiving dinner will be this Thursday.

Roof update: The builder said the company knew there was a problem with the shingles and they feel it will be covered.

The bus that is not used anymore cannot be inspected without $6,000.00 of work. George asked the board for authorization to dispose of the bus. John suggests the administration check to see if the transmission in the old bus would fit the operating bus. The board discussed selling the bus on ebay. John made a motion to authorize the administration to dispose of the bus in whole or in part for its best economic value. Peter seconded. Motion approved.

The holiday concert is December 14th at 7:00 p.m.

They are still looking for a Para professional.

George is scheduled for bilateral knee surgery on December 19th. He plans to be back to school on January 9th.

Superintendent Report
David reported there was a successful in-service last Friday with staff from RWSU. There was an ergonomics training for office staff as well last Friday.

Other Business
Meredith went over the Federal Education Jobs Fund dollars received by CTES. (Attached) CTES received $25,057.00. The administration will come back and make recommendations on how to spend the money

Executive Session
Peter made a motion to go into executive session at 6:41 p.m. to discuss negotiations. Motion approved. The superintendent was invited to attend. The board came out of executive session at 7:51 p.m. No action taken.

Sharon made a motion to adjourn. John seconded. Meeting adjourned at 7:51 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Virginia M. Walsh Mack
Recording Secretary

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