Thursday, May 10, 2012

Cavendish Town Elementary School Board Meeting Minutes 4/17/12

Cavendish Town Elementary School Tuesday, April 17, 2012, 5:30 p.m.


Board: Dr. Bont, Sharon Huntley, Jim Ballantine, and Stuart Lindberg
Administration: George Thomson-Principal and David Adams-Superintendent
Public: LPCTV, Virginia Walsh Mack-Recording Secretary, Michelle Lindberg, Mike Ripley, Peggy Svec, Richard Svec, Peter LaBelle, Connie Kendall and Cara Tyrrell

Call to order Dr. Bont called the meeting to order at 5:31 p.m.

Comments from the Community: Mr. LaBelle gave a short presentation of the energy committee regarding solar panels for CTES at a cost of $165,000. $75,000.00 would come from Energy Vermont so the net cost would be $90,000.00 for the system. The payback period would be 12.5 years. There could possibly be additional reductions in the cost with a grant from the USDA and citizen participation. Mr. LaBelle discussed the Performance and Financial Analysis from Renewable Energy Systems and Technologies, LLC (attached). Discussion ensued. The board reached a consensus for the committee to move forward with getting additional information. The board thanked Richard and Peter for the presentation.

Approval of Minutes of March 20, 2012: Jim made a motion to approve the minutes of March 20, 2012 as presented. Motion approved.

WSWSU Transition Planning: David handed out the transition planning for the central office next year that the executive committee has approved (attached). There will be a reallocation of duties in the central office.

2012/13 Calendar: David gave the board the 2012/2013 calendar.

Joint Supervisory Union Merger/Consolidation Update: The SU is waiting for a decision from the legislature.

Principal’s Report: George gave the board a copy of the budget summary. There is nothing to alert the board about. George has been working with the staff to decide what the classroom structure will look like next year. Bussing for next year was discussed. Preschool students visited Kindergarten today. Grade 6 bingo raised $1600. The play and the variety show were a success. MAPS and NECAP testing will take place in May. Spring break is next week. Graduation is scheduled for June 14th at 6:30 p.m. School outing will be June 15th and Move Up Day will be June 18th.

Superintendent Report: David reported Bill H440 is the bill to consider moving the Commissioner of Education position to a Cabinet position. Teacher and Support Staff negotiations are ongoing.

Other Business: Stuart said parents have expressed the difficulty with child care on half day Tuesdays. George gave background on the reason for half day Tuesdays. He said it came about in 1988 to give teachers professional development by lengthening the school days on Monday, Wednesday Thursday and Friday. Discussion ensued regarding professional development in the S.U.; what the other schools do; how professional development days are used; the board being cautious about discussing information regarding collective bargaining agreements; teacher conferences; the possibility of the children being able to stay at school in a “program” on half day Tuesdays; how widespread the concern is. This topic will go on a future agenda.

Executive Session: Jim made a motion to go into executive session to discuss personnel. Motion approved. The board came out of executive session at 7:10 p.m. No action taken.

Adjournment: Sharon made a motion to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:11 p.m.

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