Wednesday, August 8, 2012

CTES Board Meeting Minutes 6/19/12


Board: Dr. Bont, Sharon Huntley, Jessica Goodman, and Stuart Lindberg (left meeting at 7:41 p.m.)

Administration: George Thomson-Principal and Linda Waite-Asst Superintendent

Public: LPCTV, Virginia Walsh Mack-Recording Secretary, Mike Ripley, Peggy Svec, Connie Kendall, Richard Svec, Sara Stowell, Joe Vullo, Deb Harrison O’Brien, and Christine Bouler

Call to order: Dr. Bont called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m.

Comments from the Community: There was a question about the 6th grade math class. George said they are working on it. There needs to be a permanent solution.

Approval of Minutes of May 15, 2012: Jessica made a motion to approve the minutes of May 15, 2012 as presented. Motion approved.


Principal Contract Renewal: Linda presented a recommendation for George’s three year contract renewal. Sharon made a motion to approve a three year contract for George Thomson at a salary of $80,091.69 for the first year and if the teachers settle at a higher increase it will be adjusted. Motion approved 2:1.


FY 2012 Audit Contract: Jessica made a motion to accept the bid from Fothergill, Segale and Valley in the amount of $8,500.00 to perform the financial audit for the 2012 fiscal year and authorize the board chair to sign the contract. Motion approved.

Federal Jobs Fund: Linda went over the memo from Meredith Austin- Business Manager (attached). $10,495 is remaining in the Federal Jobs Fund and must be spent before September 30, 2012. The recommendation is to cover the principal’s salary. Sharon made a motion to use the remaining $10,495.00 of the Federal Jobs Fund for the Principal’s salary beginning with the first paycheck in July 2012 until the funds are expended. Discussion ensued regarding the parameters of the expenditure of these funds. Motion approved.

Technology Lease Agreement: George gave the board background on the technology plan. The focus is on having a hand held device for each student in grades 3 through 6. Discussion: Concerns about the reliance on technology and that maybe it is too much; “Screen time” being limited. Jessica made a motion to authorize the superintendent to sign the lease in the amount of $56,934.31. Motion approved 2:1.

Joint Supervisory Union Merger/Consolidation Update: Linda reported the state board of education voted to approve the merger of WSWSU and RWSU. The Legislature awarded a onetime grant to the new supervisory union in the amount of $150,000.00. An additional $100,000.00 tax abatement for the assessment in FY’15 was also approved. The transition board is scheduled to meet on July 11th.

Election of New Supervisory Union Representatives: Sharon made a motion to elect Dr. Bont, Jim Ballantine and Stuart Lindberg as the representatives for the transition committee for the new SU. Motion approved.

Proposed Multi-Age Class Staffing for Grades 1/2: George gave history on the budgeting for next year. Per pupil cost and class size were factors. A multi grade situation for the lower grades was discussed. The plan was a 1 / 2 class with one teacher and a Para professional. George gave the proposed plan (attached). Discussion: preparation and training for the new plan; not going over the per pupil cost threshold this year; a possible surplus at the end of this year-George said he does not think there will be a surplus; the Para professional would be assigned to the ½ class; the cost savings; the fiscal responsibilities of the board and administration; the concerns with a multiage classroom; 1:1 instruction; standardized test score comparison with the other schools in the district; monitoring the plan; reading qualifications for the remaining teachers. Peggy said taking on all of the new duties is scary to her. She fears letting the students down. She asked how we are going to meet the needs of the young students. The assessment outcomes will be released at the end of July. Could a part time reading teacher be hired? Peggy felt if she knew about this structure change sooner she would have observed Donna during her planning time. The caveats for a third check mark under NCLB were discussed. Budget versus “check marks” was discussed. Richard asked if options such as hiring a qualified teacher or hiring a qualified teacher part time were discussed. The board decided not to replace a teacher.

Principal’s Report: George gave the board a copy of the budget summary. The budget appears to be on schedule. The end of year outing was successful. Graduation was outside and it was fun. The sixth grade students gave the school a picnic table. The in-service is taking place in the S.U. George will be on vacation for a week.

Superintendent Report: Linda reported David Adams has completed his term as Superintendent. He wanted Linda to thank the board for all of their work.

Other Business: None

Executive Session: Jessica made a motion to go into executive session at 8:19 p.m. to discuss personnel. Motion approved. The board came out of executive session at 8:55 p.m. Dr. Bont stated the board reviewed the personnel issue and will not make any changes.

Adjournment: Sharon made a motion to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:57 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Virginia M. Walsh Mack

Recording Secretary

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