Thursday, February 28, 2013

PACE (Property Assessed Clean Energy) Program

Article 6 of the Cavendish Annual Report (page 10) is asking whether  the voters will designate the Town of Cavendish as a Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) District.  To help voters understand what PACE is, the following information has been provided by CCCA.

Key PACE Components
• Innovative financing mechanism for energy improvements through the creation of a
Special municipal assessment district.

Costs the town and the residents NOTHING except for those who use the program.

• PACE focuses on residential energy efficiency and renewable energy improvements.

Major Benefits of PACE Program
• Provides an alternative form of financing for energy efficiency and renewable energy –
especially for people with limited ability to borrow money.

• Investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy support the creation of local jobs
– such as weatherization contractors and solar installers. The more financing
opportunities available – the more energy work for local, qualified contractors.

Basic Program Mechanics
1. A property owner identifies specific energy improvement(s) to make, and applies for the program.

2. If approved, the property owner enters into an assessment contract with Cavendish,
which pays the contractor when work is complete and places a lien on the property.

3. The property owner repays the town as an assessment on the property tax bill over 10, 15, or 20 years, on the same schedule as the town’s tax bill and collected in the same
manner. If the property is sold before the assessment is fully paid, the obligation to pay
stays with the property and it is repaid by the new owner, or it can be paid off in full
with no penalty.

Program Administration
Cavendish can administer PACE or it can contract with Efficiency Vermont to perform
most of the administrative functions. The service costs are incorporated into the
assessments charged to program participants and are not borne by the taxpayers.

Amount of Financing Available Per Home
The maximum amount that can be financed is 15% of the assessed value of the property,
capped at $30,000. The total amount financed by PACE plus any outstanding mortgages
on the property cannot exceed 90% of the assessed value.

Eligible Energy Projects
• PACE can finance renewable energy or energy efficiency improvements as well as repair
or health and safety measures that may be required to secure the energy savings.

• Improvements must be permanently attached to the property and the “net energy”
requirements for the building must be actually reduced. Efficiency projects include
insulation, air sealing, windows, doors, heating systems, etc.

• Eligible renewable energy projects include solar hot water systems, biomass energy
heating systems (e.g. wood pellets/chips and cord wood), small wind systems, microhydro, solar electric system (photovoltaic), and solar space heating systems.

Town Meeting Vote
Voters at town meeting must approve establishing a PACE district. Voters are not
approving the expenditure of any funds or approving their own participation in the
program. An affirmative vote creates the district and thus the opportunity for residents
who decide to do so -- to take advantage of the PACE financing mechanism.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Cavendish Update 2/22/13 News/Events

Information can also be posted on the Cavendish VT Facebook Page 

The 2/22/13 Cavendish Update Contains the Following:
1. Cavendish Related News
2. Reopening of Gethsemane Episcopal Church
3. CCF Accepting Applications for Spring 2013 Grants
4. Cavendish Historical Society Annual Meeting
5. Spring 2013 Composters Sale
6. Community Purim Celebration!
7. A Face in the Crowd Closes Film Series
8. Cavendish Events 2/22-3/3

January Cavendish Town Elementary School Board Minutes: Have been posted to

Cavendish Helicopter Ordinance: The Select Board will be voting to adopt a draft of an Ordinance Prohibiting the Construction and/or Operation of Aircraft Take-off and Landing Facilities within the Town of Cavendish at 6:00 PM in the Arts Room at the Cavendish Town Elementary School on Wednesday, February 27, 2013. A copy of the draft ordinance is available on-line.  Once the ordinance has been adopted by the Select board, voters have the next 60 days to comment.

Mack Molding Sees Growth in Medical Business: Mack Molding continues to see strong growth in its medical business as it ramps up investments and molding capabilities, said Jeff Somple, president of Mack's Northern Operations. About 35% to 40% of Mack's Northern Operation sales are now in medical, says Somple. That is expected to grow to 50% in the next two or three years. Plastics Today 

Outdoor Cats Pose a Threat to Vermont’s Wildlife: A new study from scientists at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service raises concerns about the welfare of Vermont’s wildlife populations. The study found that cats are the single greatest cause of human-caused mortality to birds and mammals, killing an estimated average of 2.4 billion birds and 12.3 billion mammals each year in the United States. “Cats pose a threat to Vermont’s songbirds, such as robins, bluebirds and cardinals,” said Vermont Fish & Wildlife bird biologist John Buck. Press Release 

Springfield MacDonald’s to Rebuild: Pending a vote from the Springfield Select board and an ACT 250 permit, the existing McDonald’s in Springfield will be closed this spring for about three months while it is demolished and rebuilt. The new building will be slightly smaller and have two drive-thru lanes. It will be moved forward about 60 feet. Vermont Journal 

Heavily damaged by Irene, Gethsemane Episcopal Church is reopening on Sunday March 3, 8:30 am. An ecumenical service of Thanksgiving will be held for time, treasure, and talents of our friends and neighbors who contributed to the restoration of Gethsemane Church. There will be a coffee hour in our new parish hall 9:30am following the service. FMI: 226-7187

3. CCF ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR SPRING 2013 GRANTS: The Cavendish Community Fund (CCF) is now accepting applications for grants that will be awarded this spring.  The deadline for applying is April 12, 2013.  Applications and guidelines are available at the Cavendish Community and Conservation Association’s website under the Community Fund tab.  Hardcopies are also available at Crow’s Bakery in Proctorsville and at the Cavendish town office.

The fund inaugurated its program in 2007 of giving cash grants to organizations for educational and cultural projects, programs and events.  Last fall awards were given to three organizations; to the Proctorsville Fire Department for its Junior Firefighter training program, to Stepping Stones Preschool for a nature education program, and to the Cavendish Fletcher Community Library for a town-wide CPR learning program.

Projects, programs or events must directly benefit the Cavendish community in some way.  A panel of local citizens reviews all applications and recommends the ultimate grantees based on the quality and feasibility of each proposal.  Grants are not expected to exceed $1,000 each and will depend primarily on the number of applications and the amounts requested.

For further information on applying, on eligibility or on any other aspect of the grant program, or for help completing the application, please call Peter LaBelle at 226-7250 or Barbara Dickey at 226-7187.

CHS is scheduled to hold its Annual Meeting on Sunday, Feb. 24, 5 pm at the new Parish Hall of the Episcopal Church off of Depot Street. Starting with a potluck at 5 pm, the film “The Homecoming” will be shown. As part of establishing the permanent exhibit “I Wrote and Waited,” which covers the 18 years Aleksandre Solzhenitsyn lived in Cavendish, CHS selected this film as it begins in Cavendish. Produced by the BBC, the film documents the two-month train journey across Russia as Solzhenitsyn returns home with his family after twenty years of enforced exile. Solzhenitsyn, the man who experienced and revealed to the world the full horror of the Soviet gulag, is recognized throughout Russia as 'the conscience of the nation'. But despite the triumphant and emotional homecoming, this is no easy ride for Solzhenitsyn, his wife and American sons. Instead, they abandon their refuge in America to find their trans-Siberian trip from Vladivostok to Moscow dogged by the KGB, the Russian Mafia, old-style communist bosses, the tragic plight of ordinary Russians and the echoes of its even more terrible past.

Please note that the weather forecast for Saturday and Sunday is snow. It is possible that the Meeting will need to be postponed until April. Please check the Cavendish VT Facebook page,  CHS Blog or the Cavendish Blog on Sunday morning for cancellation information. or 892-226-7807

The Southern Windsor/Windham County Solid Waste Management District (SWWCSWMD) is currently accepting orders for "Soil Saver" brand composters. This is an easy way to convert yard and food scraps into a soil amendment, a process that also saves valuable landfill space. The Soil Saver has natural insulating properties due to its structural foam construction, a feature that makes it resistant to weather and UV rays. Its large capacity can serve a household of up to five people. In addition, the locking lid helps to keep pesky animals out of the decomposing material.
.         10-year guarantee
.         28" wide x 28" deep x 32" high
.         2 slide-up doors for easy removal of compost
.         self-watering lid feature
The District gets a bulk discount and passes the savings on to residents. This year the price per composter is $50.00.

Order form with check is due by Friday, March 22, 2013. Download order form is available on line. 

Also on sale are Sure-Close containers to help you store and move your kitchen scraps out to your composter. At $5 each, they're a bargain at twice the price. The Sure-Close pail is a beige and white plastic container with a 1.9 gallon capacity. It can sit on the kitchen counter or be mounted on a wall or under the sink. It is about 9.25" x 9.25" x 11.5" and has a wide opening. FMI: 802-674-9235

All ages welcome – intergenerational event at the Chester Baptist Church, Friday February 22. Purim is the holiday that remembers how the Jewish people were saved from destruction through the bravery of Queen Esther. Everyone will be able to make their own noisemaker to use in the interactive reading of the book of Esther. Pastor Abraham Gross, from Cavendish, will also teach a few traditional Purim songs (in English!). Refreshments (including hamantashen cookies) will be available at 6:00pm and then the craft and story will start around 6:30. It is traditional to dress in costume, so feel free to dress up as a character or wear a crazy hat! Chester Baptist is located at 162 Main Street in Chester.   

Due to a snowstorm and cancellation on February 8,  A FACE IN THE CROWD has been rescheduled to Friday March 1 at the Black & White Nights classic film series. It will replace The Artist, originally scheduled for March 1.  A 1957 film starring Andy Griffith in his first movie role, A Face in the Crowd reveals a dramatic actor of conviction and power.   The dark drama was directed by award-winning Elia Kazan, noted for On the Waterfront, East of Eden and A Streetcar Named Desire.  In A Face in the Crowd, Griffith plays a country drifter named Larry “Lonesome” Rhodes, a guitar picker who is discovered by a talent scout, becomes a radio sensation and rises to fame and stardom.  The film is a testament to the power of celebrity, manipulation and stardom over truth and ethical behavior.  Co-starring Patricia Neal, A Face in the Crowd is a far cry from the kind of folksy homespun stories commonly associated with Griffith later in his career.  The powerful film, which proves that fame isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, will be shown at 7:00 p.m.  at the Gethsemane Episcopal Church on Depot Street in Proctorsville.  Films are free, donations most welcome and cookies will be available for munching.   For more information or in case of bad weather, call 226-7187 or 226-7497.

February 22 (Friday): Winter recess-no school
• Black and White Film Series at the Parish Hall of the Episcopal Church on Depot Street in Proctorsville. This week’s film is the Gentleman’s Agreement starring Gregory Peck. . The film will be shown at 7 pm. Films are free but donations are welcome. FMI: 226-7187 or 226-7497.

February 23 (Saturday):  Live music at Inn at Glimmerstone Mansion with Matt Meserve on keyboard. FMI: 802-554-0045

February 24 (Sunday): Cavendish Historical Society Annual Meeting, 5 pm at the Episcopal Church Parish Hall/Community Center on Depot Street in Proctorsville. Potluck, short meeting and showing of the film “The Homecoming.” See article 4 above.

February 26 (Tuesday): Bone Builders Class at the Cavendish Baptist-- Class from 10-11:15. FMI: Linda at Green Mountain RSVP & Volunteer Center of Windsor County at (802) 885-2083, or Anne Oakes or Andrew Ohotnicky at (802) 228-5236, Dot Ramsdell at (802) 226-7870
  Local's Night (Burger and Beer for $10) at Glimmerstone Mansion with Matt Meserve on keyboard. FMI: 802-554-0045

February 27 (Wednesday): The Cavendish Community and Conservation Association (CCCA) will hold an informational meeting for Cavendish voters before this year’s town meeting.  The forum will start at 6:30 p.m. at the Cavendish Town Elementary School on Main Street in Proctorsville. The meeting will address each of the issues on this year’s town meeting ballot, including both the town and the school proposed budgets and town and school officials will be present to discuss each issue.  Three articles requiring a vote are scheduled for discussion.  The first involves the citizens’ right to vote on the Supervisory Union budgets and was placed on the ballot by petition.  This article will be voted on by paper ballot.  The second asks if the voters will approve creation of a program to provide funding for homeowners to make energy improvements.  And the third asks if citizens will accept the gift of the historic Universalist Stone Church in Cavendish.  Those two will be voted on at Town Meeting. FMI:802-226-7736

February 28 (Thursday): Bone Builders Class at the Cavendish Baptist-- Class from 10-11:15. FMI: Linda at Green Mountain RSVP & Volunteer Center of Windsor County at (802) 885-2083, or Anne Oakes or Andrew Ohotnicky at (802) 228-5236, Dot Ramsdell at (802) 226-7870
  • Sit & Knit" at the Six Loose Ladies yarn shop, Pollard Building, Proctorsville Green, 2:00 -9:00 PM. Open to knitters, spinners, crocheters, hookers. Free. FMI: 226-7373

March 1 (Friday): School Choice Deadline for the 2013-2014 School Choice application. This coming year school choice is statewide for all participating public schools. Contact Eric Anderson or 802-875-2146 Local School Choice Form Vermont Department of Education information page: School Choice
  • The Black and White Film Series at the Parish Hall of the Episcopal Church on Depot Street in Proctorsville concludes with A Face in the Crowd featuring Andy Griffith. The film will be shown at 7 pm. Films are free but donations are welcome. FMI: 226-7187 or 226-7497.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Cavendish Town Elementary School Board Meeting Minutes 1/15/13

Board:  Dr. Bont-Chair, Jessica Goodman, Sharon Huntley and Amanda Tyrell
Administration:  George Thomson-Principal, Linda Waite- Superintendent and Chris Adams-Business Manager
Public:  LPCTV, Virginia Walsh Mack-Recording Secretary, Connie Kendall, Peggy Svec, Mike Ripley, and two members of the community. 

Call to order
Dr. Bont called the meeting to order at 5:40 p.m.

Comments from the Community

Approval of Minutes of December 18, 2012
Jessica made a motion to approve the minutes of December 18, 2012 as presented.  Motion approved.

Approval of FY’ 2013 – 14 Budget
George moved the finance office costs to the principal’s office.  He increased EEE by about $6,000.  The proposed budget is $1,752,649.  Discussion ensued regarding the cost savings by moving the financial services to the SU.  Chris said he feels it is important to have the information at the central office.  It will be more efficient.  Local control will not change.  There could be some reduction in time for the Administrative Assistant position during the summer.
Sharon made a motion to approve the FY’14 budget in the amount of $1,752,649.  Discussion:  The cost shifts from the school budget to the SU budget.  The big increases to the budget were health insurance costs and the funds for teacher negotiations.  Motion approved.      

Approval of Warnings
Warning of Annual Meeting
Monday March 4th at 7:00 p.m.
Warning of Public Information Hearing
Monday March 4th after the annual meeting.
Warning of Vote by Australian Ballot
Linda read the warning.  The voting will take place on March 5th at CTES.  The board was asked if they would like to create a capital improvement fund.  Sharon made a motion to create a capital improvement fund.  Motion approved.
Jessica made a motion to approve the warnings of the Annual Meeting, the Public Information Meeting and the Vote by Australian ballot as presented.  Motion approved.

Security Update
George distributed a document with the steps taken to improve building security (attached).   George asked the board for direction.  Chris feels there will be a fund balance that could be put in the capital improvement fund.  George said he thinks he can find the money for this.  The board asked George to continue to look at quotes.  

Two Rivers Supervisory Union Update
Linda gave the board an article regarding TRSU.  The next meeting is Thursday, at 5:00 p.m. at Ludlow Elementary School.

Principal’s Report
There is a potential need for a Para professional.  George is going to hire someone as a tutor for some students; there is money in the budget for this position.  The roof situation is in process.  The fiber optics in the area is being worked on.  It was suggested that a technician from Comcast come and fix the modems in the building.  CCCA has their information meeting on Wednesday February 27th at 6:30 p.m.  Annual reports are due to the town office by January 25th.       

Superintendent Report
January 28th is an in-service day.  Post fact finding for teacher negotiations will be scheduled next month.  The principal’s survey will be sent to teachers, support staff and board members electronically.

Other Business
The GMUHS board needs a representative from Cavendish.  Sharon has agreed to fill in until the next election.  Jessica made a motion to have Sharon temporarily fill in for the GMUHS board.  Motion approved.

Executive Session 

Sharon made a motion to adjourn.  Meeting adjourned at 7:07 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Virginia M. Walsh Mack
Recording Secretary

Cavendish Update 2/15/12 Candidates/News/Events

Information can also be posted on the Cavendish VT Facebook Page 

This issue of the Cavendish Update is made possible by the Cavendish Community and Conservation Association (CCCA), a non-profit membership organization that is dedicated to the conservation of land and natural resources and to the preservation of historic sites within the context of sustainable economic growth. FMI: PO Box 605,  Cavendish VT 05142 or 802-226-7736

The 2/15/13 Cavendish Update Contains:
1. Candidates for Cavendish Elected Positions
2. CCCA Town Meeting Information Forum
3. Cavendish Related News
4. Cavendish History From an Early Photograph
5. Watch Water Work
6. Gregory Peck Stars in Next Black & White Film
7. Cavendish Events 2/15-2/24

Cavendish Town Meeting will take place on March 5. On March 6, voters will go to the polls to select candidates for elected positions as well as to vote for school budgets. There are no candidates for the following positions: Selectmen 2 Year term; Town Agent; Auditor 2 years; Trustee of Public Funds 3 years; GMUHS Director 1 year; and Cemetery Commissioners for 4 and 5 year terms. As the filing date has passed, anyone interested in these positions will need to ask voters to “write” them in. The only contested position is for the one-year term on the CTES School board.

The slate of candidates is as follows:
Town Moderator William Hunter
School Moderator William Hunter
Selectmen 1 Year (Two Positions): Michele Lindberg, Scott Ranney
Selectmen 3 Years: George Timko
Grand Juror: Mabel Ward
Auditor 1 year: Peter La Belle
Trustee of Public Funds 1 year: Cheryl Leiner
Library Trustee 1 year: Julia Gignoux
Library Trustee 5 years: Robert Evens
Lister 3 years: Jane Pixley
First Constable 1 Y ear: Seth Perry
Town School Director 3 Years: Stuart Lindberg
Town School Directors 1 Year: Amy Perry, Scott Ranney, Amanda Tyrrell

2. CCCA TO HOLD TOWN MEETING INFORMATION FORUM: The Cavendish Community and Conservation Association will hold an informational meeting for Cavendish voters on the Wednesday before this year’s town meeting.  The forum will be held on Wednesday, February 27th, starting at 6:30 p.m. at the Cavendish Town Elementary School on Main Street in Proctorsville.

 The meeting will address each of the issues on this year’s town meeting ballot, including both the town and the school proposed budgets and town and school officials will be present to discuss each issue.  Three articles requiring a vote are scheduled for discussion.  The first involves the citizens’ right to vote on the Supervisory Union budgets and was placed on the ballot by petition.  This article will be voted on by paper ballot.  The second asks if the voters will approve creation of a program to provide funding for homeowners to make energy improvements.  And the third asks if citizens will accept the gift of the historic Universalist Stone Church in Cavendish.  Those two will be voted on at Town Meeting.

Although there are few contested races on the ballot this year, all candidates are invited to attend and any candidates who are present will be asked to make short statements and to answer voters’ questions.  The meeting is open to all Cavendish citizens and residents.  For more information, please call Robin Timko at (802) 226-7736.

 Flu Levels Falling but VT Still High: According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), while influenza activity remained elevated, it decreased in most areas of the country during the week ending Feb. 2, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported. However, Vermont experienced high levels of flu activity during this time. Massachusetts and New York experienced low activity; Connecticut moderate activity and New Hampshire had minimal activity. Flu season usually peaks in late January or early February. The best defense against the flu remains the flu vaccine and it's not too late to get vaccinated, the CDC said. The agency recommends that everyone 6 months of age and older get vaccinated. This year's vaccine appears to be well matched for the circulating flu strains, the CDC said. A recent report put the vaccine's effectiveness at 62 percent. No vaccine is 100 percent effective. But if flu strikes, vaccination often results in milder illness, the agency said. Feb. 8, 2013, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, FluView

More people Leaving Vermont: U.S. Census figures show that for the first time in almost three-quarters of a century Vermont lost population last year, a drop caused by more people leaving the state than moving in. Even though last year's population decline was small, just under 600, it's part of a broader trend that has seen the state's population growth rate hover just above zero for several years. Commerce Secretary Lawrence Miller says the trend of losing population or low growth is a challenge to economic development. The Census Bureau figures showed that Vermont and Rhode Island were the only two states in the country to lose population last year. WCAX 

4. CAVENDISH HISTORY FROM AN EARLY PHOTOGRAPH: Marc Miele, a Cavendish Historical Society board member, submitted a photograph of Cavendish that’s at least 100 years old, for the Cavendish VT Facebook page. The photograph includes cars (maybe 1910 vintage) across the street from what today is Mack Molding, but back then was Gay Brothers Mill.  The photograph has solicited some town history that many may not be aware of

 If you ever wondered what the town position of “weigher of coal” might be, John Snarski might have the answer you are looking for. John, who grew up in Cavendish and remembers it from the late 40’s on, wrote the following: Those trees were there a long time. This picture was taken in front of Marion White's old office--a building owned now by Pieter Van Schaik?. You can see the corner of the porch in the foreground. That used to be the town office, up until today's version was built [1950’s]. See the rectangle that the front wheel of the car on the left is on? That was a platform scale. I remember as a kid that being in use. They weighed truckloads of coal on it before the coal was delivered to houses. That's also where they weighed deer during deer season, when you still had to report them to the town clerk and not to store-based reporting stations…. The controls for the scales were in a cabinet on the porch. Miss White did the weighing as a part of her town clerk duties, and "weigher of coal". At the time this picture was taken, Marion White's father would have been Town Clerk and would have had a funeral parlor upstairs. The post office, as well as town office, would have been on the ground floor.”

Learn how streams work with a free hands-on demonstration!  Come to Fletcher Farm at #611 Route 103 in Ludlow VT on Monday night, March 18th, between 5:30 and 6PM to check out the fabulous stream table.  Presented in partnership with the Black River Action Team, Ottauquechee Natural Resources Conservation District, and VT Agency of Natural Resources, the stream table is a unique opportunity to watch water at work.  A miniature river of water flows through a “sandy” landscape, capturing the essence of erosion, deposition, and so much more.

Are you a teacher?  Come learn how you can tie in with the ONRCD to learn to use the stream table in your classroom!

Contact Black River Action Team Director Kelly Stettner with any questions at or (802) 885-1533.  Learn more about the stream table by logging on to

The stream table is being used to model conditions at the site of an upcoming BRAT stream bank-planting project in Cavendish, where Twenty mile Stream meets the Black River.

The Black & White Nights film series brings Gregory Peck to its screen on Friday February 22. In 1947, famed film director Elia Kazan tackled a controversial subject when he made GENTLEMAN'S AGREEMENT.  The powerful drama is about a journalist (Gregory Peck) who goes undercover as a Jew in postwar America in order to write an expose about anti-Semitism in New York City and the affluent suburb of Darien, Connecticut.  As the experiment unfolds, his personal life feels the effects of bigotry that include being denied a job to his son being beaten.  The film, which was nominated for 8 Oscars, stands as a time capsule of ethnic intolerance in America.  Gentleman's Agreement won Best Picture, Best Director and Best Supporting Actress (Celeste Holm).  The film will be shown on at 7:00 on Friday February 22 at the Gethsemane Episcopal Church on Depot St. in Proctorsville.  Films are free, donations welcome, and there will be cookies to munch on.  For more information or in case of bad weather call 226-7497 or 226-7187.

February 15 (Friday): CTES PTO fundraiser-bake sale in front of Shaw’s and Singleton’s.
            • Black and White Film series continues with Pat and Mike. The film starts at 7 pm and is being shown at the new Parish Hall of the Episcopal Church on Depot Street in Proctorsville. Admission is free, but donations are appreciated. FMI: 226-7187 or 226-7497

February 16 (Saturday): Ludlow Winter Farmer’s Market, 9-1 at Inside Market at the corner of Main St. and Andover St. (Rt. 100 South) FMI:

February 18 (Monday): Blood Drive at the Ludlow Community Center, 37 Main St from 12:30-5:30.
            • Winter recess-no school

February 19 (Tuesday): Bone Builders Class at the Cavendish Baptist-- Class from 10-11:15. FMI: Linda at Green Mountain RSVP & Volunteer Center of Windsor County at (802) 885-2083, or Anne Oakes or Andrew Ohotnicky at (802) 228-5236, Dot Ramsdell at (802) 226-7870
            • Winter recess-no school

February 20 (Wednesday):  Winter recess-no school

February 21 (Thursday): Bone Builders Class at the Cavendish Baptist-- Class from 10-11:15. FMI: Linda at Green Mountain RSVP & Volunteer Center of Windsor County at (802) 885-2083, or Anne Oakes or Andrew Ohotnicky at (802) 228-5236, Dot Ramsdell at (802) 226-7870
            • Sit & Knit" at the Six Loose Ladies yarn shop, Pollard Building, Proctorsville Green, 2:00 -9:00 PM. Open to knitters, spinners, crocheters, hookers. Free. FMI: 226-7373
            • Winter recess-no school

February 22 (Friday): Winter recess-no school

February 23 (Saturday): Ludlow Winter Farmer’s Market, 9-1 at Inside Market at the corner of Main St. and Andover St. (Rt. 100 South) FMI:

February 24 (Sunday): Cavendish Historical Society Annual Meeting, 5 pm at the Episcopal Church Parish Hall/Community Center on Depot Street in Proctorsville. Potluck, short meeting and showing of the film “The Homecoming.”

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Select Board Meeting Agenda for 2/11/13

The Select Board will meet on Monday, Feb. 11,  2013 at 6:30 in the Cavendish Town Office Meeting Room. The Agenda will be as follows:

1. Call the Meeting to Order

2. Consider the minutes of the meetings of: December 10th, 2012; January 7th, 2013; January 9th, 2013 and January 23rd, 2013

3. Sign Orders

4. Review Correspondence

5. Adjust agenda

6. Hear Citizens

7. Conduct a public hearing on the planned adoption of the Cavendish All Hazard Mitigation Plan. John Broker-Campbell of the Southern Windsor Regional Planning Commission will be present to help answer any questions. Local Adoption of the plan is a prerequisite for
FEMA Mitigation Grant eligibility.

8. Katharine Otto of the Southern Windsor Regional Planning Commission will be present to discuss the Regional Transportation Plan update.

9. Selectmen to consider and approve the 2013 Annual Certificate of Highway Mileage

10. Town Manager to inform the Board of the recent hiring into the position of Water and Sewer Plant Assistant Operator.

11. Update on State Highway Bridge #1 (Route 131 over the Twenty Mile Stream) reconstruction project and a forthcoming meeting on this subject.

12. Discuss the 2012 Town Report preparation and printing.

13. Confirmation of revision of the FY2013-2014 Selectmen’s Budget as recently approved by poll vote.

14. Town Manager to distribute Annual Town Meeting Reference Notebooks to Board members.

15. Town Manager to distribute copies of information regarding grant funds which have become available for home and property repairs for flood damage. This is a program through Rotary International and the Windham/Windsor Housing Trust

16. Update on various other town activities

17. Other