Friday, February 24, 2012

Thank you from John Skalecki

On Memorial Day May 30 2011 I was the victim in a horrific motorcycle accident.
It was a beautiful day so I decided to go for a short ride. This decision would change my life forever. On Rt. 103 in Chester on the straightaway near the old Chat And Chew the wheel of the car approaching me came off and hit me, knocking me off my bike while traveling 50 MPH. Unbelievably I lived. However, I did sustain some massive injuries to my left leg and pelvis. My leg was broken in 5 places, my pelvis split, and my knee de-gloved. I was flown to Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center where the process of putting me back together and the long rehabilitation ahead of me would begin.

Now, 8 months later, I I’m beginning to be able to walk on my own again.

I wanted to take a minute and thank the many people involved in my recovery process and all the folks who came to aid me and my family during this crisis. Its a long list, all these people were so incredibly important to my survival and rehabilitation. And for them I am grateful.

First of all the people that stopped to help me at the accident scene. An older couple from Connecticut who gave me some water and comforted me. Mark Verespy the owner of The Killarney Pub in Ludlow who was traveling behind me and helped me keep the tourniquet tight on my leg until more help arrived. The officers from the Chester PD who thank goodness had emergency medical training. The Chester ambulance personnel that stabilized me and took me to the helicopter at Springfield Hospital. The Albany Medi-Flight staff that got me to Dartmouth fast.

Dr. Cantu and his Orthopedics team who put my bones back together. Dr. Stotland and his Plastics team who grafted all my skin back on and relocated one of my muscles to cover up my knee. The nurses at DHMC that took great care of me for 3 weeks in the hospital. My employer and family of friends Okemo Mountain Resort who helped my wife turn our dining room into a hospital room so I could come home and built a handicap access ramp so I could get my wheel chair in and out of my house. Okemo’s support of me has been awesome and unending.

The caring team of physical therapists at Mt. Ascutney Hospital that have worked so hard to get my leg to move and work again. Metzger And Mole physical therapy, Manchester Acupuncture, and Four Seasons Chiropractic who continue to support my healing and function. And finally all the individuals in my community of Cavendish who brought food, offered to do chores, do shopping, and help in every way possible. The outpouring of love and support from my community, family, and friends has been moving to say the least.

I am grateful to you all and thank you from the core of my being.

John Skalecki

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