The Cavendish Connects website now includes much of what was included on this blog as well as a calendar of Cavendish events. The new blog, “The Dish,” includes the Cavendish Update as well as on-going information.
Information can also be posted on the Cavendish VT Facebook Page.
Information can also be posted on the Cavendish VT Facebook Page.
The 10/4/13 Cavendish Update
Contains the Following
1. Cavendish Related News
2. Shutdown Impact on
Cavendish and Vermont
3. Exploring the Two Oldest Cemeteries in Cavendish
4. Greven Park
Trail-A Walk With Many Views
5. Events
• Theft-High Street and Ranney Hill Rd
(Cavendish Village Cemetery off of High Street) reported at 3:04 pm. The top of
an 1800’s gravestone was stolen.
• Vandalism of Motor
Vehicles-Rt 131 and Depot Street reported at 2:02 pm.
On October 3,
Thursday, “666” and a partial pentagram were found carved on the front door of
the Cavendish Village Cemetery Vault.
Happy Retirement Jane Pixley: Cavendish Town Clerk, Jane Pixley enjoyed a
very special retirement party on Sept. 27, with many people from the town
stopping by to wish her well. When asked about her retirement plans, she said
she would be volunteering for the town, “I’m going to do craft shows and do
some traveling.” Diane McNamera was sworn in as the interim town clerk. Vermont
3SquaresVT Program Additional Funding Ends Nov. 1: Vermonters on the
3SquaresVT program will see their food benefits drop, starting November 1.
Stimulus funds, authorized through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
(ARRA), have boosted food stamp benefits since 2009. The change will affect
“almost everyone’s benefit,” according to DCF. It offers the example of a
family of four, which might see a $36 decrease each month, and an individual,
who might see a decrease of $11. Press Release
2. SHUTDOWN IMPACT ON CAVENDISH AND VERMONT: The partial shutdown of the federal government is affecting Vermonters and people in Cavendish in a number of different ways. Since half of Vermont’s Agency of Human Services $2.3 billion budget is federal money, if the shut down goes beyond a few weeks the following will be impacted:
• Reach-Up welfare assistance;
• WIC (supplemental food program for pregnant woman and young children) is hundred percent funded by federal dollars and would cease after two weeks;
• LIPHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program) fuel assistance has about a month before the impact will be felt; and
• Block grants for substance abuse, mental health and childcare will lose funding within a week or two.
2. SHUTDOWN IMPACT ON CAVENDISH AND VERMONT: The partial shutdown of the federal government is affecting Vermonters and people in Cavendish in a number of different ways. Since half of Vermont’s Agency of Human Services $2.3 billion budget is federal money, if the shut down goes beyond a few weeks the following will be impacted:
• Reach-Up welfare assistance;
• WIC (supplemental food program for pregnant woman and young children) is hundred percent funded by federal dollars and would cease after two weeks;
• LIPHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program) fuel assistance has about a month before the impact will be felt; and
• Block grants for substance abuse, mental health and childcare will lose funding within a week or two.
According to Kim
Sherman, Director, Stepping Stones Preschool in Proctorsville could be impacted
as many of the families with children in the school utilize services listed
above. While things are fine at the moment, if the shutdown lasts for more than
a week or two, things could become very difficult for some families.
Black River Good
Neighbor (BRGN) is concerned about the possible discontinuation of WIC,
particularly baby formula, which is a very expensive item. It remains to be
seen what of their programs will be impacted, but as they have done in the
past, “we will continue to meet the need as best as we can,” said Audrey
Bridge, Executive Director
Other Vermont programs
and activities impacted by the shutdown include: 450 VT National Guard Workers,
about half of their operating staff, have been furloughed and Vermont’s only
National Park-Marsh Billings Rockefeller National Park in Woodstock- has been closed.
The shutdown is also closing Vermont federal lands to hunters, fishermen and
other users this foliage season. Currently closed are Nulhegan Basin Division;
Putney Mountain Unit of the Silvio Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge; and
Missisquoi National Wildlife Refuge. To check for other locations, go to
National programs
affected by the shutdown will impact some people at the local level. These include:
• College students
that are on federal work-study programs will go unpaid.
• The
State Department says it will keep most passport agencies and consular
operations open so long as it has the funds to do so, although some
activities might be interrupted.
• The
Social Security Administration will retain enough staff to make sure checks are
sent. But the agency won't have enough employees to
do things like help recipients replace their benefit cards or schedule new
hearings for disability cases.
• Medicare
recipients will find the applying process significantly slowed down.
• The Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will stop its seasonal flu program and
have a “significantly reduced capacity to respond to outbreak investigations.”
• For
Veterans- VA hospitals will remain open. But many services will be disrupted. The Veterans
Benefits Administration will be unable to process education and
rehabilitation benefits. The Board of Veterans' Appeals will be
unable to hold hearings. If the shutdown lasts for more than two or three
weeks, the Department of Veterans Affairs has said that
it may not have enough money to pay disability claims and pension payments.
Note that active service military will continue to be
paid no matter how long the shutdown lasts while “essential” civilian employees will see their paychecks delayed, but
will receive retroactive pay.
In response to the
question “how has the government shutdown impacted you,” posted on the
Cavendish VT Facebook page, one person posted - The leaves will continue to turn. The peepers
will continue to visit. Our towns will continue to run. Our communities will
continue to support one another.
People are noticing the “trickle down” effect, as
Vermont folklorist and writer, Joe Citro noted on his Facebook page, “Tomorrow
I was scheduled to speak to the staff of the Green Mountain National Forest.
The meeting has been cancelled due to the "Shutdown". So that is how
the shut down shuts me down. No speaking fee, no book sales. It will also shut
down income for the B&B I was planning to stay at and it will shut down
dinner income for the restaurants at which I would have eaten (not to mention
gas consumption). ..
Do you know who the Chubb of Chubb Hill was? Do you
know he’s buried in the Old Revolutionary Cemetery? Why is the Coffeen Cemetery
so close to the road? To learn the answers to these questions and explore the
two oldest cemeteries in Cavendish-the Old Revolutionary and Coffeen
cemeteries, meet at the Cavendish Historical Society Museum on Sunday, Oct. 13
at 2 pm.
Note that Oct. 13 is the last day the Museum will be
open for the season. FMI: 802-226-7807 or
Greven Field is located off of route 103 in
Proctorsville. Heading West, the entrance to the park is on the right hand side
just after Greven Rd. If you come to the intersection of 131 and 103, you've
gone to far.
For photographs of recent walks, go to
It’s a busy weekend in Cavendish and surrounding towns. On
• Blessing of the Animals on the Proctorsville Green will
take place on the Proctorsville Green at 1 pm. Dress accordingly as this event
takes place rain or shine.
• Fall Foliage Supper at the Cavendish Baptist Church
featuring pork roast dinner, 5:30-7 Pm. Adults are $10, children 6 to 12 $5 and
under 6 are free. FMI: 226-7724.
• It’s also Button Up Vermont Day
On Sunday, Oct. 6, blues singer Jenni Johnson will be
performing as part of Raise the Roof at Gethsemane Church in Proctorsville, at
4:30 pm. Tickets are $10.
To learn more about upcoming events in
Cavendish and surrounding towns go to:
To register an event go to
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