The Cavendish Connects website now includes much of what was included on this blog as well as a calendar of Cavendish events. The new blog, “The Dish,” includes the Cavendish Update as well as on-going information.![]() |
Madi Huntley and Catie Tyrrell |
This week’s Cavendish
Update has been made possible by Mark Huntley, whose donation is in honor of
the 2014 graduating class. Of the 58 graduates at GMUHS, 13 were from
Cavendish: Cassie Ann Call, Jacob Roy Cavacas, Richard
(Rickie) A. Chambers IV, Madison (Madi) Ellen Huntley, Rachel Marie Martel (Class
Salutatorian), Seth Matlofsky, Rosalie Ellen McNamara, Andrew J. Paczkowski, Christian
Shawn Palmer, Sasha Carmen Petrycki, Katelynn Faith Phelps, Catherine (Catie)
Elizabeth Tyrrell, and Whitney Jordan Woods. All of these students will be
going on for further study, some in the trades, others in aviation, fire
fighting, art, marketing, drama etc.
While many will be going to schools in Vermont-St.
Michaels and Castleton, some will be traveling to Rhode Island, Missouri, Florida and New York. We wish them
all the best and to keep in touch with “The Dish” via the Cavendish VT Facebook
6/27/14 Cavendish Update Contains:
1. Cavendish Related News
2. Changes in Vermont’s Open Meeting Law
3. News from the Cavendish Historical Society
4. Cavendish Concert on the Green Kicks
Off 2014 Series with Gypsy Reel
BRGNS and LPC-TV Join Forces to Produce Cooking Show
Recycling Paint in Cavendish
7. Fizz, Boom, Read
8. Vacation Bible School
9. Events
Meeting Results: By a vote of 52 to 7, (5% of Cavendish’s 1,025
registered voters) the Cavendish voters approved Article 1: To see if the voters will approve of the
purchase of Cavendish Parcel #1Veo-196, a 0.33 acre village lot located at 601
Main Street, Proctorsville. This property abuts the Cavendish Town Elementary
School lot to the east and is currently vacant. The purchase price is $24,900.
The purpose of this procurement is to secure the property for good public uses
including, but not limited to, use by the school. For more
information on town meeting, go to the Cavendish VT Blog Post.
Cavendish Water
Conservation Notice: On June 20th, a water conservation notice was issued for Cavendish Municipal Water System Users. There is a high
probability of a system leak as the volume of water being produced and used is
unusually high. While there was a check on the system on Tuesday, June 24, more
work is needed and it will not be done until next week. In the mean time, the
conservation notice remains in effect so please reduce unnecessary water
consumption and repair leaky faucets and “running toilets.” FMI 226-7291 or
Municipal Water
System Consumer Confidence Report: The June 2014 report has been mailed to
water users and is available on line at the Municipal Water Website. The report states that there were no
drinking water violations incurred during 2013.
Towns Consider
Shutting Down Websites to Avoid New Open Meeting Law: Substantial changes to Vermont’s open meeting law [see article
2 below] go into effect next week. Among the changes: for the first time towns
with websites will have to meet specific posting requirements. But some towns
are considering taking down their websites rather than run the risk of not
meeting the mandates. The Vermont League of Cities and Towns sent out a recent
recommendation to its members: “Prepare your municipality’s website, if there
is one, so that you will be ready to post agendas before meetings and minutes
five days after those meetings occur,” he league said. “Or de-activate the
website to avoid violating this requirement.” VPR
July 1, a number of changes will go into effect for Vermont’s Open Meeting Law.
Among the changes are the following:
• Allows for one or more members of a
public body to fully participate in the discussion and voting of a meeting
through electronic or other means when not physically present at the designated
meeting location if they identify themselves when the meeting begins, are able
to hear and be heard, and any votes that are conducted are taken by roll call;
• Allows for an entire meeting of a quorum
of a public body to be conducted through electronic or other means under two
additional conditions. First, at least 24 hours before the meeting or as soon
as practicable prior to an emergency meeting, the public body publicly
announces this format. The notice must identify a physical location or another
electronic means for members of the public to access the meeting from a remote
location. Second, at least one member of the public body, or at least one staff
person or designee of the public body, must be physically present at each
designated meeting location.
• Requires that meeting minutes be posted
no later than five days after the meeting on a website, if one exists, that the
public body maintains or designates as the official website of the body
For a complete listing of Legislative Changes
for 2014, download the Vermont League of Cities and Towns “Legislative Wrap Up."
Week in History: On June 23, 1864 Vermont troops were captured,
including several from Cavendish, and were marched to Camp Sumter, better known
as Andersonville prison. Of the 412 Vermonters imprisoned there, 203 died. One Cavendish
soldier, en route home from this prison, died at sea.
The Vermont Movie Part 3: On June 29 (Sunday), at 2 pm, the Cavendish Historical
Society will be showing part 3 of The Vermont Movie: Vermont
Movie Refuge, Reinvention and Revolution at the Museum on Main Street.
No Plant Sale on July 5th Weekend: The
Saturday closest to the 4th of July has been the CHS annual plant
and tag sale for more years than many can remember. With the proliferation of
Farmer’s Market, attendance has been declining in recent years and so this
year, this event is being moved to coincide with the Town Wide Tag Sale on July
26, from 9-3 pm. Hope to see you then.
Families Changing Lives: This past week, CHS was able to solve a major
mystery for a Proctorsville family, connecting cousins and family who haven’t
seen each other in 50 years. Read more about this story and other CHS
activities at the CHS blog.
Check out the new Cavendish History board on Pinterest.
Cavendish Community and Conservation Association (CCCA) and the Town of
Cavendish invite everyone to spend an evening having fun on the Proctorsville
Green on Wednesday, July 9th at 6:00 p.m. when the annual summer
music series begins. To start the 2014
six week series, CCCA presents Gypsy Reel.
over twenty years they have been acclaimed on both sides of the Atlantic
Ocean. Gypsy Reel, in their own words,
is not a rock band that Celts, but a Celt band that rocks. They play high energy, stirring music rooted
in the Celtic tradition but garnered from the whole world. Their music is
an exciting synthesis of world rhythms and influences from three
continents. Their newest studio album, Red Red Rose, features a blend of
traditional and original music.
by Okemo Mountain Resort, this will be the first of six concerts that are held
on consecutive Wednesday nights in July and August that are free and open to
the public. FMI: Robin at 226-7736 or Vermont Summer Concert Series
5. BRGNS &
River Good Neighbor Services is the area’s primary distributor of USDA and
emergency food assistance. As such, BRGNS
staff and volunteers provide bags of food to community members in need of food
assistance. “Some people find the food
that we distribute to be a bit repetitive, so we decided to bring together
different recipes using that food and to give those recipes out to anyone who
asks. That led us to demonstrating the
recipes too,” said Doris Eddy, Vice President at BRGNS.
demonstrations quickly led to collaboration with LPC-TV, Ludlow’s local public
access cable TV station, and the creation of a new cooking show, “Across Our
Table”. The show is produced by BRGNS
and filmed, edited and broadcast by LPC-TV.
Doris Eddy and Peter LaBelle are the show’s hosts. In each episode, they
demonstrate how to prepare three simple, nutritious and tasty recipes that are
building blocks for family meals.
format of the show is much like all cooking shows in that ingredients and
preparation are the focus. “But we try
to be more informal and cook like real people.
There’s nothing fancy in what we do or how we do it,” said Eddy. “This show is for the majority of us, not for
‘foodies’ and gourmets.”
can watch “Across Our Table” on LPC-TV if you subscribe to cable in the Ludlow
area, or you can access it on the Internet. All the recipes demonstrated on the show are
available on Black River Good Neighbors’ website. For more information regarding the show,
please call BRGNS at 802-228-3663.
The paint stewardship law
requires the paint industry to be responsible for collecting and managing
leftover architectural paint in Vermont, reducing the role of government and
taxpayers. The cost of the program will be paid by manufacturers who sell paint
in the state. A fee will be included in the price of paint sold in Vermont. The
program will be administered by a paint stewardship organization, Paint Care for a
list of what products are accepted and what are not.
While latex and oil-based
paint will be accepted at the four annual household hazardous waste
collections, several retailers have also signed up to be year-round collection
locations. These include Bibens and Sherwin-Williams in Springfield and
LaValley's in Ludlow. The next Household Hazardous Waste Collections day for
our area is Sept. 14 (Saturday).
Like explosions? Want to know what makes a DVD player
work, or most importantly what the inside of a PlayStation looks like?
Hurry up and sign up for the library's Summer Reading Program.
The program, which runs from June 24-July 30, will have a
focus on science with a different project each week, including making bouncy
balls, using photo-reactive paper, dissecting electronics and much more.
In addition, each week will have an all day special event with
such activities as making ice cream in a ball, henna tattoos and
tie-dyeing. This program is free and open to anyone ages 18 and
under. FMI:
Get ready to Blast Off! at the Cavendish Baptist
Church. This year's VBS sends kids on a mission to discover and share God's
incredible love! Blast Off! is filled with incredible Bible-learning
experiences kids see, hear and touch. Team-building games, cool Bible songs,
and active Bible adventures are just a few of the activities that help faith
flow into real life. Kids will also participate in a service project, called
Projects With A Purpose, by filling 'care bags' that will be handed out at the
Springfield Warming Shelter. Blast Off! is free for children ages 3 to 12 years
and takes place July 14-16 from 5:00 to 7:30 pm. A healthy dinner is also
included. For more information call (802) 226-7131 or visit The church is located at 2258 Main Street in Cavendish.
The following Cavendish
related events are taking place in the coming week:
JUNE 27 (FRIDAY): Ludlow Farmer’s Market featuring a
number of Cavendish vendors, 4-7 pm on the front lawn of Okemo Mountain School,
53 Main Street in Ludlow. FMI:
JUNE 28 (SATURDAY): Okemo Bike Climb 2014 Benefits Ludlow Rotary
JUNE 29 (SUNDAY): The Vermont Movie Part 3: Refuge,Reinvention and Revolution at the
Cavendish Historical Society Museum (Main Street) 2 pm.
Bone Builders Bone Builders meeting at the Cavendish Baptist Church each
Tuesday and Thursday from 10 am to 11:30 am. Weighs are used to help
build muscle and stave off osteoporosis for both men and women. Exercises also
focus on balance. Call Charlotte Snyder at 226-7343 or Dot Ramsdell at
226-7870 or RSVP office at 885-2083. RSVP is the sponsor of this
JULY 2 (WEDNESDAY): Movie Matinee at Fletcher Memorial
Library Frozen.
• Prize Day at the Cavendish Community Library
Bone Builders Bone Builders meeting at the Cavendish Baptist Church
each Tuesday and Thursday from 10 am to 11:30 am. Weighs are used to help
build muscle and stave off osteoporosis for both men and women. Exercises also
focus on balance. Call Charlotte Snyder at 226-7343 or Dot Ramsdell at
226-7870 or RSVP office at 885-2083. RSVP is the sponsor of this
• Make your own bouncy balls at the Cavendish
• Ludlow Farmer’s Market featuring a number of Cavendish vendors, 4-7 pm on
the front lawn of Okemo Mountain School, 53 Main Street in Ludlow.
• 4th of July Fireworks. 9 pm Ludlow.
To learn more about upcoming events in Cavendish and
surrounding towns go to:
Events listed by month
• Events
listed by day
• To register an event
complete the form below and send a check, payable to Cavendish Connects and
mail to Margo Caulfield, PO Box 3, Cavendish, VT 05142.
#: ____________________________ E-Mail:
Enclosed is my
contribution of
$200 __ $100 __ $50 __ $25 __ Other
I wish my contribution to remain
This will be a ___ One time
donation; ____ Monthly Recurring Donation; ____ Yearly Recurring Donation.
I want to make
this gift in honor or memory of : Name__________________________
E-mail: _____________________________________
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