The Cavendish Connects website now includes much of what was included on this blog as well as a calendar of Cavendish events. The new blog, “The Dish,” includes the Cavendish Update as well as on-going information.
Welcome Riders! This weekend is the HOG (Harley OwnersGroup) rally. Please watch out for bikers who will be in and around our town today and tomorrow.
Welcome Riders! This weekend is the HOG (Harley OwnersGroup) rally. Please watch out for bikers who will be in and around our town today and tomorrow.
Information can also be posted
on the Cavendish VT Facebook Page.
The 7/25/14 Cavendish Update
1. Cavendish
Related News
2. Town Wide Tag Sale is Tomorrow
3. Proctorsville
Green Concert Series
4. Cavendish
WWII Talks Now On-line
5. Save the Date:15th Annual RiverSweep and Junk Jam
6. Events
7. Support
Cavendish Connects
Whitesville Bridge Dedication: On Thursday, July 24, the Whiteville Bridge
on Route 131 was officially opened. Rich Svec, on behalf of the town
of Cavendish dedicated the opening of the bridge, which was damaged during
Irene, to the Vermont National Guard and in memory of Sgt. Shawn Stocker, of
the Air National Guard, who died while on duty during recovery efforts. This
bridge replacement is the last major repair project from Irene. While seldom talked
about, this is a good time to note and thank Rich Svec and the various town
staff for their countless hours working with FEMA, doing road repair etc. After
the 1973 flood, the town had to float a 30-year bond to help with recovery. The
damage from the 2011 flood was considerably more-estimates are over $4 million.
Thanks to Svec and his team, who were willing to spend countless hours on
paperwork, a majority of the repairs were paid for by FEMA and the State. While
Cavendish had to borrow money, it has been repaid and we have no debt. With
only a few projects remaining, it is anticipated these will be completed by
Sept. 2015 when FEMA funding ends. Read more about
the dedication at the Cavendish VT Blog.
Market Basket in Claremont Caught up in
Family Feud: The
turmoil hitting the Market Basket chain has reached Claremont, as the
Washington Street grocery store location reports it is running low on stock.
According to one shopper on Thursday, “All of the essentials are gone, just
about.” The store is low on dairy, out of seafood, nearly out of meat, and
offered little else besides bananas and the odd melon in the produce section. What
started as a Demoulas family feud turned into a full-blown employee revolt when
Arthur T. Demoulas was fired last month as president of the grocery store chain
by a board of directors led by his cousin, Arthur S. Demoulas.
one of the Best States to Raise Children: The 25th edition of
the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Kids Count Data Book, lists Massachusetts,
Vermont and Iowa as the highest ranked states, while Arizona, Nevada and New
Mexico were among the lowest. VT ranks number 2 in the country for best places
to raise children based on 4 indicators: economic
well-being, education, health and family and community.
The 4th Annual Cavendish Town Wide Tag Sale
gets underway tomorrow, July 26, at 9 am. For those setting up on one of the
greens, be sure to bring your own table, chairs and canopy. Please remove trash
and anything that doesn’t sell at the end of the day.
In addition to the on-line list of vendors, maps will be available at three
locations-Cavendish Baptist Church, Cavendish Historical Society and the
Proctorsville Volunteer Fire Dept. (PVFD) booth on the Proctorsville Green.
This year, there will be a benefit car wash-$5- for the Help Jenny Heal Fund-at
the Cavendish Fire Department and the Cavendish Library will have a book and movie sale. There are also a group of students who will be
on the Cavendish Green raising money for the renovation of the playground on
that Green. A number of non-profit groups serving our area will be on the
Proctorsville Green and food is available at the Cavendish Baptist Church while
the PVFD will be hosting a BBQ on the Proctorsville Green.
Where provided, the on-line information lists
various items the vendors are selling. The web site will be continually updated
until about 7 am on the 26th.
It looks like it’s going to be a beautiful day
tomorrow, so get out there and sell and/or shop!
Sometimes the
weather just does not cooperate. On
Wednesday, July 23rd, faced with high winds, lightning and
downpours, the Cavendish Community and Conservation Association (CCCA) called
off the outdoor concert featuring Sensible Shoes. Rescheduling will extend the
concert season as Sensible Shoes will perform on Wednesday, August 20th
. The concert will begin at 6:00 p.m.
and will be sponsored by the Golden Stage Inn and by Old Cavendish Products.
On August 6th
at 6:00 p.m. Yankee Chank will appear at the Green in Proctorsville. Black River Produce will sponsor this
concert. Yankee Chank is a Vermont group that performs traditional Cajun music
from the heart of southwest Louisiana.
Why does a Vermont
band play Cajun music? Primarily because
the French-speaking people of eastern Canada, our immediate neighbor to the
north, was the inspiration for the southern Cajuns. Yankee Chank has been performing both Cajun
and Zydeco music around Vermont and beyond, using fiddle, accordion, guitar and
bass since 1996. The band’s performances
offer a distinctive immersion into this unique regional music.
In the event of rain
on Aug. 6, there will be a Cajun dance party, complete with instructions, at 6
pm at the Cavendish Town Elementary School. With any luck, there might even be
some gumbo.
All concerts are
free and open to the public. Everyone is welcome. FMI: Robin at 226-7736 or Vermont Summer Concert Series.
In June,
three of Cavendish’s WWII veterans-Carmine Guica, Jim Hasson, and Seymour Leven
spoke to the sixth graders about their experiences during WWII. All three
served in the Pacific theater in different branches of the military -Leven was
a tail gunner on a B-29; Guica was an Army cook, spending almost a year
sleeping in a foxhole in places like Okinawa, and Hasson was a Seabee, entering
military service at 17. ’You can watch Leven and Hasson on UTube.
The Black River Action Team (BRAT) invites volunteers of all ages to lend
their time and elbow-grease to the 15th Annual RiverSweep! Held on the
Saturday after Labor Day Weekend (this year on September 6th), RiverSweep is a
trash-gathering extravaganza aimed at the bed and banks of the Black River in
Windsor County, Vermont.
Stop in at one of two headquarters after 8AM on September 6th: in
Springfield at the Citizens Bank drive-up by the footbridge in the Shopping
Plaza on the Chester Road, or in Ludlow at the gazebo on the town green in
Veterans Park by the Fletcher Memorial Library. Sign in, pick up a little
light refreshment, work-gloves and garbage bags. Pick a place to look for
trash, and set off. Bring back your "haul" by 11AM so BRAT can take
inventory and photos; clean up and enjoy some lunch donated by area
In recognition of this being the 15th RiverSweep, pick a piece of trash to
"play" in the first-ever "Junk Jam" -- a spontaneous
music-making event in the spirit of The Recycled Orchestra of Paraguay.
Cleaning up is important, but it can also be creative and fun to
repurpose our junk!
RiverSweep and Junk Jam will wrap up by noon. Please contact BRAT Director
Kelly Stettner for more details or with any questions: or (802)
Donations are gratefully accepted sent either directly to BRAT (101 Perley
Gordon Rd, Springfield VT 05156) or to BRAT's fiscal agent, Ottauquechee
Natural Resources Conservation District (made out to ONRCD with a note of
"BRAT" on the check, mailed to ONRCD, 28 Farmvu Dr, WRJ VT 05001).
The following Cavendish related events are taking
place in the coming week:
(FRIDAY: Ludlow Farmer’s Market featuring a number of Cavendish
vendors, 4-7 pm on the front lawn of Okemo Mountain School, 53 Main Street in
(SUNDAY): The Cavendish Historical Society Museum is open from 2-4 pm.
(MONDAY): Yoga with Lydia Ouvaroff: 5 pm at Gethsemane Episcopal Parish Hall
off Depot Street in Proctorsville. Cost is a donation. FMI:
802-299-9515 (cell) or 228-3261.
• Summer Story Hour at Fletcher Memorial Library:
12:30 -1:15
(TUESDAY): Bone Builders Bone
Builders meeting at the Cavendish Baptist Church each Tuesday and Thursday from
10 am to 11:30 am. Weighs are used to help build muscle and stave off
osteoporosis for both men and women. Exercises also focus on balance.
Call Charlotte Snyder at 226-7343 or Dot Ramsdell at 226-7870 or RSVP
office at 885-2083. RSVP is the sponsor of this activity.
(WEDNESDAY): Proctorsville Concert, Chris Kleeman 6 pm.
FMI: Robin at 226-7736 or
Vermont Summer Concert Series
• Free Community BBQ at the Cavendish Library: 6
pm, 50/50 Raffle. Magic Show by Tom Joyce.
Builders Bone Builders meeting at the Cavendish Baptist Church
each Tuesday and Thursday from 10 am to 11:30 am. Weighs are used to help
build muscle and stave off osteoporosis for both men and women. Exercises also
focus on balance. Call Charlotte Snyder at 226-7343 or Dot Ramsdell at
226-7870 or RSVP office at 885-2083. RSVP is the sponsor of this
• Annual
Tie Dye Day at the Cavendish Library: Bring a T-shirt, pillowcase or
even socks and make them bright and beautiful.
1 (FRIDAY): LudlowFarmer’s Market featuring a number of Cavendish vendors, 4-7 pm on the
front lawn of Okemo Mountain School, 53 Main Street in Ludlow.
To learn more about upcoming events in Cavendish and surrounding towns go
• Events listed by
• Events
listed by day
• To register an event
Please complete the
form below and send a check, payable to Cavendish Connects and mail to Margo
Caulfield, PO Box 3, Cavendish, VT 05142.
Phone #:
____________________________ E-Mail:
Enclosed is my contribution of
__ $200 __ $100 __
$50 __ $25 __ Other
__ I wish my contribution to remain anonymous.
This will be a ___ One time donation; ____ Monthly
Recurring Donation; ____ Yearly Recurring Donation.
I want to make this gift in honor or memory
of :
E-mail: _____________________________________
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