Friday, May 30, 2014

Cavendish Update: 5/30/14 Memorial Day/News/Events/Wi-Fi

Known as “Decoration Day,” in the aftermath of the Civil War, on May 30, veterans’ graves were cleaned and flowers or wreaths placed on them. While many southern towns claim to have started this tradition, President Johnson in May 1966 declared Waterloo NY as the official birthplace. Now known as “Memorial Day,” it is a holiday celebrated on the last Monday in May and recognizes all those who have died in service to the United States.  Cavendish continues to honor the May 30th date with a program at CTES starting at 10 am. This year’s parade, leading to Hillcrest Cemetery, follows immediately after the program at the school.

Information can also be posted on the Cavendish VT Facebook Page.

The Cavendish Update for 5-30-14 Contains the Following:
1. Cavendish Related News
2. Cavendish Historical Society Tag and Plant Sale
3. Techie Question: Where are Local Wi-Fi Hot Spots?
4. Twenty Years Ago in Cavendish History
5. Events
6. Yes, I want to become a friend of the Cavendish Update

Is the Black River Safe? A question many people consider as summer approaches as paddling, swimming, fishing, and tubing are all common occurrences in the Black River when the temperature rises. Black River Action Team (BRAT) volunteers will once again venture forth on the last Wednesday of each month from May through September, carefully collecting samples of water from the 11 sites along the Black River, including Greven Field, and two smaller tributary streams. Volunteers and donations are needed for this effort. Press Release

 Solzhenitsyn Exhibit Reopens at Town Museum: Last year, the Universalist/Unitarian Convention of Vermont and Canada voted to deed the Stone Church to the town of Cavendish for use as a museum focused on the Nobel Prize-winning writer and activist. The Eagle Times reports the exhibit is at the Cavendish Historical Society Museum. It's to be moved to the church following finalization of the deed and renovations. WCAX 

What to Do When the Tick Bits: If you find a tick, the most important thing is to remove it with one of the many tick removal tools found in stores, or a pair of fine-nosed tweezers. “Get it right next to the skin and pull up steadily and remove the tick. Wash the area just to prevent any secondary infections. If it hasn’t been attached more than 24 or 36 hours, your risk of getting Lyme Disease is very low.” The Health Dept. recommends daily tick checks. VPR 

VT Ranks 4th for Senior Health: According to the second edition of United Health Foundation’s America’s Health Rankings® Senior Report Vermont has its share of strengths and challenges. The state ranked in the top five on community support (#5), being able-bodied (#2) and low ICU usage (#1). Others in the top 10 include food insecurity (#6), which decreased from 11.6 percent to 10.8 percent, and the geriatrician shortfall (#10), which decreased from 53.9 percent to 43.6 percent. In the past year, nursing home quality decreased from 54.4 percent to 43.6 percent, just missing the bottom 10 ranking at #39. VT ranked in the bottom 10 on seven measures. Chronic drinking (#43 at 5.0 percent), depression (#44 at 16.3 percent) and suicide #41 at 19.4 deaths per 100,000 adults) joined prevalence of falls (#43 at 32.0 percent) are among Vermont’s lowest rankings. Its lowest – at #49 – is hospice care. In the past year, use of hospice care did increase from 23.5 percent to 28.8 percent so the state has seen some improvement. VT Digger 
2. CAVENDISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY TAG AND PLANT SALE: The Cavendish Historical Society (CHS) will not be holding it’s annual plant sale the Saturday closest to July 4th. Instead, their plant and tag sale will be part of the 4th Annual Cavendish Town Wide Tag Sale on July 26 (Saturday) from 9-3. If you have items you’d like to donate (plants or tag sale items) to CHS for their sale, you can drop them off at the Museum on Sundays from 2-4 pm or call 802-226-7807 or e-mail to arrange for a pick up.
If you are a Cavendish resident, property or business owner or a community group that serves the area, there is free space on the town greens (Proctorsville & Cavendish) and the CHS Museum grounds for set up. To register for one of these spaces, and/or to be included on the tag sale map, please call 802-226-7807 or e-mail For best results, be sure to include any unique or special items you will have for sale.
Information about the tag sale is being updated weekly and is available on-line at the Cavendish VT blog. 

The power is out, there is no Internet connection, it’s late Sunday night, and you need to finalize a business transaction before Monday. Scenarios will vary, but the question remains, where can you go locally for Wi-Fi access that does not require a password?

There are a number of places that offer Wi-Fi-Castle, Golden Stage Inn, Crows Bakery and Cafe, Cavendish Library and School- but they require passwords and are generally not available outside of their respective buildings. However, Ludlow does offer Wi-Fi Public Access Hot Spots. In the event of an emergency you can log on at the following locations on Main Street: Dunkin Donuts, TDS, and in various spots, such as in front of the Fletcher Library.

Do you know of other locations that offer public access 24-7 and do not require a password? Also, is there interest in a workshop on lowering or eliminating your cable bill by using video streaming? Reply to these questions by e-mail or call 802-226-7807.

After living in exile in Cavendish for almost 18 years, Soviet dissident and Nobel Laureate Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn returned to his homeland in Russia on May 27, 1994. Addressing the Cavendish voters at the 1994 town meeting, Solzhenitsyn noted, I have observed here in Cavendish, and in the surrounding towns the sensible and sure process of grassroots democracy where the local population decides most of its problems on its own, not waiting for the decision of higher authorities. Alas, this we still do not have in Russia, and that is our greatest shortcoming. Learn more about Solzhenitsyn at the Cavendish Historical Society Blog. 

The following Cavendish related events are taking place in the coming week:

MAY 30 (FRIDAY): Community Memorial Day Program, 10-11 am at the Cavendish Town Elementary School. The Parade will be on Depot Street ending at Hillcrest Cemetery.
Ludlow Farmer’s Market featuring a number of Cavendish vendors, 4-7 pm on the front lawn of Okemo Mountain School, 53 Main Street in Ludlow. FMI:

JUNE 1 (SUNDAY): The Cavendish Historical Society Museum is open from 2-4 pm. FMI: 802-226-7807,

JUNE 2 (MONDAY: Yoga with Lydia Ouvaroff: 5 pm at Gethsemane Episcopal Parish Hall off Depot Street in Proctorsville. Cost is a donation. FMI: 802-299-9515 (cell) or 228-3261.

JUNE 3 (TUESDAY): Bone Builders Bone Builders meeting at the Cavendish Baptist Church each Tuesday and Thursday from 10 am to 11:30 am.  Weighs are used to help build muscle and stave off osteoporosis for both men and women. Exercises also focus on balance.  Call Charlotte Snyder at 226-7343 or Dot Ramsdell at 226-7870 or RSVP office at 885-2083.  RSVP is the sponsor of this activity.
• 7th Grade Parents Night at GMUHS: 5-6:30 at GMUHS

JUNE 5 (THURSDAY): Bone Builders Bone Builders meeting at the Cavendish Baptist Church each Tuesday and Thursday from 10 am to 11:30 am.  Weighs are used to help build muscle and stave off osteoporosis for both men and women. Exercises also focus on balance.  Call Charlotte Snyder at 226-7343 or Dot Ramsdell at 226-7870 or RSVP office at 885-2083.  RSVP is the sponsor of this activity.

JUNE 6 (FRIDAY): 2014 GMUHS Alumni Weekend Parade & Banquet FMI:
• Ludlow Farmer’s Market featuring a number of Cavendish vendors, 4-7 pm on the front lawn of Okemo Mountain School, 53 Main Street in Ludlow. FMI:
• GMUHS Senior Awards Dinner: 7-9 pm at GMUHS

JUNE 8 (SUNDAY): Proctorsville/Cavendish Reunion: A group of former and current residents are holding a reunion, from noon to 5 pm at the Cavendish Town Elementary School in Proctorsville. A pot luck supper begins at 12:30. Please bring photos to share with your classmates and others. FMI: John Snarski or 802-827-6589  Terry Heikkinen

To learn more about upcoming events in Cavendish and surrounding towns go to:

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