Monday, May 5, 2014

Select and CTES Board Meeting 5/5/14 Regarding 601 Main Street

A joint meeting of the Select and School boards discussed the feasibility of the town/school purchasing the lot at 601 Main Street, where the house was burned in January. Abutting the CTES property, according to town manager, Rich Svec, the owners are interested in selling the land to the town/school.

Clearance of the property, including removal of the house, filling in holes and reseeding, are slated for Saturday, May 12 by Elite Construction. Environmental concerns- asbestos or oil- have been addressed by the contractors working in conjunction with the Vermont Department of Health. 

Multiple uses were suggested for the property- playground space, community garden, tennis court, and additional off street parking. Also discussed was the reconfiguration of the school’s recreation area so that handicap parking would be available at the Cavendish Community Library during the day, thereby making it easier for seniors and others to access the building.

Because of the school funding structure, it will be cheaper for the town to purchase the lot, as anything the school buys will be 16% more than what the town would pay. It can then be leased to the school for a $1.

While the combined boards voted to move forward to further explore the ownership of the property, a town vote is required for acquisition. The cost of the property was discussed in executive session, but will be included as part of the town warning prior to voting.

Approximately 15 members of the public attended the meeting, and expressed support for the purchase.

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