Thursday, May 30, 2013

CTES Board Meeting Minutes for 4/30/13

Board:  Dr. Bont, Amanda Tyrell, Stuart Lindberg and Scott Ranney
Administration:  George Thomson-Principal, Linda Waite- Superintendent
Public:  LPCTV, Virginia Walsh Mack-Recording Secretary, Peggy Svec, Tracy Churchill, Michelle Lindberg, Mary Putnam and Richard Putnam

Call to order
Linda called the meeting to order at 5:37 p.m. and welcomed Scott to the board and asked for nominations for Board Chair. 

Comments from the Community: None

Approval of Minutes of February 19th & March 4th, 2013
Amanda made a motion to approve the minutes of February 19th and March 4th, 2013 as presented.  Motion approved.

Elect Board Chair: Stuart nominated Dr. Bont as Board Chair.  Motion approved.
Elect Board Vice-Chair: Scott nominated Stuart as Vice-Chair.  Motion approved.
Elect Board Clerk: Amanda nominated Scott as Board Clerk.  Motion approved.
Elect Supervisory Union Board Representatives: Dr. Bont will be one representative as board chair.  Dr. Bont nominated Amanda as a representative.  Motion approved.  Dr. Bont nominated Sharon as a representative.  Motion approved.

Approval of Resignation Letter: George informed the board he received a letter from Leigh Dakin resigning as the CTES Nurse.  Amanda made a motion to accept Leigh’s letter of resignation with regret and thank her for her service at CTES.  Motion approved.    

School Nurse Contract: George recommends hiring Mary Putnam as the CTES school nurse.   Scott made a motion to hire Mary Putnam as the CTES School Nurse for the FY’14 school year at .85 FTE.  Motioned approved.

FANS Unit Report: George said the students have had a very good year and have made gains.  A bigger variety of literacy materials have been provided.  There is an opportunity for the professionals to meet daily.  They are much better able to address the diverse needs in the classroom.  Nonfiction materials have been a success.  George commended Peggy for her success with the program.  Peggy thanked Beth Walker, Connie Kendal and Kim Currier for their work in the program.

Dr. Bont asked for volunteers for the reading program.  George said they would welcome anyone who would like to come in and work with the students.  Scott asked if we should advertise.

George said the wrestling program has grown; they are very dedicated.  Two students did well at the state level.

Amanda asked about testing.  Fountas and Pennell will be used to test next week.  The students were tested in October.  There are two teachers in the classroom all day.

Two Rivers Supervisory Union Update
Linda gave the board a draft copy of the Two Rivers Supervisory Union “State of The Union” (attached).  She asked the board for questions or comments after reading the draft.

The central office will be located at the Fletcher Farm.  The next board meeting will be on May 16th.  Stuart said he has been reading about the legislature regarding the central office roles. 

Principal’s Report
George reported CTES will be reimbursed for the entire school roof at 100%; up to $92,000.00.  The board thanked George.  This project needs to be put out to bid.  Scott made a motion to put the roof project out to bid.  Motion approved.  Linda extended huge congratulations to George for his hard work on this project.  Stuart and Scott volunteered to serve on a facilities committee.    

George handed out the budget summary and said there are no surprises. He said they are in good shape with the budget.  George has advertised for a school counselor; this is a .40 FTE position.  He hopes to have a nominee at the next meeting.  The administrative assistant to the principal position will be advertised with Irene’s retirement.  

George reported on H538 which is a bill in the state legislature dealing with small schools.  George got a message from VSBA saying the implications could possibly hurt small schools.  He went over the provisions that may reduce funds to CTES.  The bill also has a provision for a small school quality study.  Stuart said he is concerned with the possibility of having to make cuts at CTES.  Amanda urges community members to get involved.  Stuart reminded voters to look at legislator’s voting records. 

The school health index has been completed.  George said Mary was very involved with this project.  The document that was used didn’t really fit for a small school. 

NECAP assessments and MAPS testing will be taking place in the next few weeks.

Variety Show was fun.  The grade six play was well done.   PTO has been raising money for the activities at the school. Grade three will have their play at the Weston Playhouse.  The performance will be June 8thThe sixth grade will be going to Keewaydin.

Amanda asked for the current MAPS scores to compare when completed.  George said he will bring a report with the results of the tests.  The Fountas and Pennell data has been put together.  Linda said all students made progress but with confidentiality issues she can’t share the information with the board.  Parents will get the results for their child.   
Superintendent Report
Linda handed out the code of ethics for the board members.  She asked the board members to read, sign, and return the form to her.

Linda reported the Support Staff will have a meeting in May to follow up on leave time.  The teacher’s contract has reached a tentative agreement.  She is waiting for the rewrite and salary schedule.  Linda gave the board copies of a special legislative bulletin.   

Other Business
This meeting was warned.  This will be K.P.’s last meeting as the LPCTV recorder.  The board thanked him for his service.

Executive Session

Scott made a motion to adjourn.  Meeting adjourned at 6:51 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Virginia M. Walsh Mack
Recording Secretary

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